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会所包间新中式3m高端电动大圆桌 Club privae room

会所包间新中式3m高端电动大圆桌 Club privae room

139-254-33337 立即咨询

咨询会所包间新中式3m高端电动大圆桌 Club privae room订购热线

会所包间新中式3m高端电动大圆桌 Club privae room配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
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会所包间新中式3m高端电动大圆桌 Club privae room详细说明

Club privae room new Chinese syle 3m high-en elecric roun able

he elecric ining able in he clubhouse no only brings us many conveniences for ining, bu also is generally beauiful an pracical. Is raw maerials inclue woo, meal, marble, ec. he manufacuring process of elecric ining ables combines hese seemingly col maerials, processes, esigns, prouces, an incorporaes moern elecronic echnology o fully inegrae raiion an echnology.

his clubhouse privae room feaures a new Chinese syle 3m high-en elecric roun able in black an whie. Black an whie pairing is a classic combinaion, showcasing ifferen aesheic sensaions hrough he conras of black an whie. Maure people say ha black represens generosiy. Whie reflecs a magnificen an elegan qualiy, expressing he longing an pursui for innocence, holiness, an a happy an beauiful life. In shor, he classic black an whie pairing creaes a srong conrasing visual effec, leaving a eep impression on iners.

Base on he perfec combinaion of science an ar, following he principles of space use an ergonomics, using high-qualiy raw maerials, carefully esigne an meiculously crafe, we have evelope a series of fashionable, beauiful an urable new Chinese syle 3m high-en elecric roun ables for club rooms; he qualiy assurance of coninuous improvemen an sric managemen, combine wih he esign of echnology an ar, has won he marke's repuaion an recogniion for is unique convenience, fashionable echnology, an green environmenal proecion.

买会所包间新中式3m高端电动大圆桌 Club privae room的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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