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酒店电动餐桌|酒店电动餐桌选购常识 Hotel Elect

酒店电动餐桌|酒店电动餐桌选购常识 Hotel Elect

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酒店电动餐桌|酒店电动餐桌选购常识 Hotel Elect配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
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酒店电动餐桌|酒店电动餐桌选购常识 Hotel Elect详细说明

Hotel Electric Dining Table | Common Knowledge of Choosing Hotel Electric Dining Tables

不同的酒店电动餐桌,表面用料是有区别的。如桌、椅、柜的腿子,要求用硬杂木,比较结实,能承重,而内部用料则可用其他材料;大电动餐台腿的厚度要求达到2.5cm,太厚就显得笨拙,薄了容易弯曲变形;厨房、卫生间的柜子不能用纤维板做,而应该用三合板,因为纤维板遇水会膨胀、损坏;餐桌则应耐水洗。  发现木材有虫眼、掉沫,说明烘干不彻底。建议您检查完表面,还要打开机芯、抽屉门看里面内料有没有腐朽,可以用手指甲掐一掐,掐进去了就说明内料腐朽了。开机芯后用鼻子闻一闻,如果冲鼻、刺眼、流泪,说明胶合剂中甲醛含量太高,会对人体有害。    
The surface materials used for electric dining tables in different hotels vary. For the legs of tables, chairs, and cabinets, hard miscellaneous wood is required to be sturdy and load-bearing, while other materials can be used for the interior; The thickness of the legs of the large electric dining table should reach 2.5cm. If it is too thick, it will appear clumsy, and if it is too thin, it is easy to bend and deform; The cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom cannot be made of fiberboard, but should be made of plywood, as fiberboard can expand and damage when exposed to water; The dining table should be washable. Discovering insect holes and foam on the wood indicates incomplete drying. I suggest that you inspect the surface and open the movement and drawer doors to check if the contents inside have decayed. You can pinch them with your fingernails, as they indicate that the contents have decayed. After turning on the chip, smell it with your nose. If it is irritating, irritating, or tearful, it indicates that the formaldehyde content in the adhesive is too high and can be harmful to the human body.

1、酒店电动餐桌的含水率不得超过12%,含水率高了,木材容易翘曲、变形。一般消费者购买时,没有测试仪器,可以采取手摸的方法,用手摸摸酒店电动餐桌底面或里面没有上漆的地方,如果感觉发潮,那么含水率起码在50%以上,根本不能用。建议您一个办法是可以往木材没上漆处洒一点水,如果洇的慢或不洇,说明含水率高。  2、小件酒店电动餐桌,如椅子、衣架等在挑选时可以在水泥地上拖一拖,轻轻摔一摔,声音清脆,说明质量较好;如果声音发哑,有劈哩叭啦的杂音,说明榫眼结合不严密,结构不牢。写字台、桌子可以用手摇晃摇晃,看看稳不稳。沙发可坐一坐,如果坐上一动就吱吱扭扭地响,一摇就晃的,是钉子活,用不了多长时间。  
1. The moisture content of hotel electric dining tables should not exceed 12%. If the moisture content is high, the wood is prone to warping and deformation. When general consumers purchase, without testing instruments, they can use hand touch to touch the bottom or unpainted areas of the hotel electric dining table. If they feel damp, the moisture content should be at least 50% or above, and they cannot use it at all. One suggestion is to sprinkle some water on the unpainted area of the wood. If it sinks slowly or does not sink, it indicates a high moisture content. 2. Small hotel electric dining tables, such as chairs, hangers, etc., can be dragged and gently dropped on the cement floor during selection, with a clear and crisp sound, indicating good quality; If the voice is hoarse and there is a clicking noise, it indicates that the tenon joint is not tight and the structure is not firm. Writing desks and tables can be shaken by hand to see if they are stable. The sofa can be sitting for a while. If you sit on it, it will make a creaking sound and shake with just one movement. It's nail work and won't take much time.

方桌、条桌、椅子等腿部都应该有四个三角形的卡子,起固定作用,挑选时可把桌椅倒过来看一看,包布椅可以用手摸一摸。  3、看一看桌面是否平直,不能弓了背或塌了腰。桌面凸起,玻璃板放上会打转;桌面凹进,玻璃板放上一压就碎。注意检查机芯,抽屉的分缝不能过大,要讲究横平坚直,门子不能下垂。
A square table, a strip table, a chair, and other legs should all have four triangular clips for fixation. When selecting, you can turn the table and chair upside down to take a look, and the wrapped chair can be touched with your hand. 3. Check if the desktop is straight and not hunched or hunched over. The desktop is raised, and the glass panel will rotate when placed on it; The desktop is recessed, and the glass panel will shatter when pressed on. Pay attention to checking the movement, the dividing seam of the drawer should not be too large, and it should be ensured that it is flat and straight horizontally, and the door should not sag.

买酒店电动餐桌|酒店电动餐桌选购常识 Hotel Elect的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区




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