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推广电子书包能否做的更好?仍需慎重! Can we

推广电子书包能否做的更好?仍需慎重! Can we

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推广电子书包能否做的更好?仍需慎重! Can we详细说明

Can we do better in promoting e-book packages? Still need to be cautious!

电子书包,餐桌椅小编感觉不行!小时候背着妈妈做的布书包就感觉很自豪了!略大一点就背市场上卖的双肩包,我长这么大从来没有背过电子书包!小编在教育手机报上看到这样一条信息:南京宁波等地的中小学开始试用电子书包。电子书包是以学生为主体、基于网络学习资源、以信息终端为载体,覆盖备课、上课、辅导、测试和作业5大环节的系统平台。对于学生来说,大的变化就是不用携带大量教村和教辅资料,上学时只需带一台笔记本电脑等专用阅读器,书包重量将大大减轻。我觉得吧,实行不了!学生的自制力很差的,一般都喜欢看小说,娱乐新闻什么的,我是不会看有关学习方面的书籍 的!全面推广存在一定的难度我从网上了解了一下电子书包,这种书包相当于16开本书本大小,厚度约1厘米,重量仅700克,内存1MB。可以从小学用到大学毕业,读研、读博还都可以用,一用就是几十年。
The e-book bag, dining table and chair editor doesn't feel good! When I was a child, I felt very proud carrying a cloth backpack made by my mother! I have never carried an e-book bag since I was a little older, just carrying a backpack sold in the market! The editor saw a message in the Education Mobile Newspaper that primary and secondary schools in Nanjing, Ningbo, and other places are starting to try e-book packs. An e-book package is a system platform that is student-centered, based on online learning resources, and carried by information terminals, covering five major stages: lesson preparation, teaching, tutoring, testing, and homework. For students, the big change is that they don't need to carry a large amount of teaching materials and auxiliary materials. When going to school, they only need to bring a dedicated reader such as a laptop, which will greatly reduce the weight of their backpacks. I think it can't be implemented! Students have poor self-discipline and generally enjoy reading novels, entertainment news, and so on. I don't know how to read books about learning! There are certain difficulties in promoting it comprehensively. I learned about e-book bags online, which are equivalent to the size of a 16 format book, with a thickness of about 1 centimeter, a weight of only 700 grams, and a memory of 1MB. It can be used from elementary school to graduating from university, and can also be used for graduate and doctoral studies, lasting for decades.

All assignments can be completed in this book. The news says its selling price is 2650 yuan. Although it has many advantages and the amount of money is not too large, it is not realistic for all students to have an e-book bag. For students whose families do indeed face difficulties, does the government adopt a subsidy or what approach? How can individual students without e-books complete their nine-year compulsory education? How does a teacher's teaching proceed? If the e-book bag used relies on the power supply during work, the power consumption problem in China is already quite tense. Students should have their laptops turned on during class in order to use the e-book bag normally. Can the circuit withstand it when all students have their laptops turned on? Will the problem of excessive electricity consumption cause a shortage of national electricity resources? If there is a sudden power outage during class due to certain reasons, some future homework and other information that cannot be saved will be lost. Students do not have electronic textbooks, and can they rely solely on listening to the teacher's mouth to explain? If electronic textbooks rely on the built-in battery of the machine to work, what should I do if I forget to charge and the battery runs out? We will have to face a situation that is equivalent to a sudden power outage.

To comprehensively promote e-books, these are the first issues we need to consider. 2、 It is difficult to ensure the physical and mental health of students that computers have a certain amount of radiation. There are reports that computer radiation mainly includes various types of radiation generated and released by computers during work, such as electromagnetic radiation (various electromagnetic rays and microwave radiation), sound (noise), light (various radiation such as ultraviolet and infrared radiation), and so on; Pollution;. Electromagnetic radiation directly affects children's development and skeletal development, leading to decreased vision, retinal detachment, and decreased liver hematopoietic function; When primary and secondary school students are growing up, do e-books also have the same radiation to the human body as computers? Will it have adverse effects on the healthy growth of students? If students stare at the computer for a long time, it will undoubtedly lead to a decline in their eyesight. In addition, students have poor self-discipline. Besides the functions that electronic textbooks possess, do they also have the functions of regular computers? If there were the functions of a regular computer, would students spend more time playing games? Nowadays, children are quite intelligent, and many things that adults don't know are easy to learn. Game software on ordinary computers is easy to install, and children's fascination with games far exceeds that of adults.

买推广电子书包能否做的更好?仍需慎重! Can we的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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