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老式学习用具跟不上孩子们的步伐了! Old style

老式学习用具跟不上孩子们的步伐了! Old style

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老式学习用具跟不上孩子们的步伐了! Old style详细说明

Old style learning tools can't keep up with children's pace anymore!

Now even 4-year-old children in kindergarten can use computers to watch videos! Children have seen a wider world and need to know more knowledge! Old style learning tools can no longer satisfy his curiosity! Teachers also need to come up with new ideas and enrich their knowledge to answer various questions from children! Old style desks, teaching tools, and learning materials need to be gradually phased out! Electric table manufacturer editor chats to everyone! The increasing academic burden on primary and secondary school students is a practical issue that society is concerned about. While students bear the heavy workload of studying, they also suffer from the increasing weight of their backpacks.

The old-fashioned desks that have remained unchanged in school for many years cannot accommodate the heavy backpacks of students. During class, students have to put their backpacks on chairs. As backpacks occupy half of the chair space, children cannot maintain a standard sitting posture, which poses great risks to their physical health and growth. In recent days, many parents have reported this issue to reporters and called on schools to take effective measures to solve this problem. During the interview, the reporter found that student backpacks are becoming heavier and heavier. Many students use backpacks shaped like tourist bags in order to hold more books. Some parents have weighed their children's backpacks, which usually weigh over 10 kilograms. However, the desks and chairs currently used in schools are still old-fashioned desks and chairs that have remained unchanged for many years. The specifications are small, and the desks cannot fit backpacks at all. As a result, students have to place their backpacks on the chairs. They sit in front of their backpacks, making it difficult for them to sit straight every day. It is even more difficult to maintain the correct reading and writing posture; Hold a pen tip one inch in your hand, punch your chest away from the table, and keep your book one foot away from your eyes; of Three Ones; Standardized.

并且,现在孩子上学路途多数都离家远,有的还需带水或午饭,这样水壶和饭盒放在什么地方也是个问题。据医生介绍,长期使用不合适的桌椅会给学生的身体造成脊柱侧弯、眼睛近视等不良影响,对孩子成长十分不利。据了解,国家早已出台了对于学生书桌椅标准的明确规定,要求学校在新建或采购书桌椅时参考选择。可现实远远做不到这一点,一是由于资金的原因使学校桌椅的更新不可能,所以使用了多年的一些旧桌椅超期服役;二是一些学校根本不重视这一问题,在更换桌椅时,根本不考虑学生们的现实需求。电话        邮编  网址  电邮  公司地址市中原路须水镇丁家台
Moreover, nowadays most children's journey to school is far from home, and some even need to bring water or lunch, so where to place the kettle and lunch box is also a problem. According to doctors, long-term use of unsuitable tables and chairs can cause adverse effects on students such as scoliosis and myopia, which is very detrimental to their growth. It is understood that the country has already issued clear regulations on the standards for student desks and chairs, requiring schools to refer to and choose new or purchased desks and chairs. However, reality is far from achieving this. Firstly, due to financial constraints, it is impossible to update the school tables and chairs, resulting in some old tables and chairs that have been in use for many years being out of service; Secondly, some schools do not attach great importance to this issue and do not consider the practical needs of students when replacing tables and chairs. Telephone, postal code, website, email company address, Dingjiatai, Xushui Town, Zhongyuan Road, City

买老式学习用具跟不上孩子们的步伐了! Old style的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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