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餐桌椅的选购和需要注意的事项 Selection of dinin

餐桌椅的选购和需要注意的事项 Selection of dinin

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品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
发货地 供货总量 尺寸 配置
是否订制 发货时间 使用场所 定制方式

餐桌椅的选购和需要注意的事项 Selection of dinin详细说明

Selection of dining tables and chairs and precautions to be taken

今天我们再来了解一下如何来选购桌椅!我们选购桌椅时都需要注意些什么! 首先我们在购买桌椅时我们先要考虑到它的尺寸,根据自己家的空间规划,多大尺寸的桌椅能够保证人在餐厅能够再去自如!其次我们还要根据自己的的品位和喜爱,餐桌椅的颜色也要符合自己家整体的风格,这样感觉更加舒适,比如说田园或者欧式的装修风格,可以选择纯白色的实木餐座椅,感觉就很协调。现代简约一点的装修风格,可以选择黑色玻璃的餐桌椅,凸显个性。
Today, let's learn more about how to choose tables and chairs! What should we pay attention to when choosing tables and chairs! First of all, when purchasing tables and chairs, we need to consider their size. According to our own space planning, what size of table and chair can ensure that people can freely go to the restaurant! Secondly, we also need to consider our own taste and preferences, and the color of the dining table and chairs should match the overall style of our home, so that it feels more comfortable. For example, for rural or European decoration styles, we can choose pure white solid wood dining chairs, which feel very coordinated. For a modern and minimalist decoration style, you can choose black glass dining tables and chairs to highlight your personality.

然后考虑选择怎样的材质!关于各类材质的优点和适合的环境小编在前两天提到过,其中木质的桌椅它的在烤漆方面很有讲究,另外,玻璃的颜色好不要是太透明的,即使是透明的玻璃,下面也要有遮挡,不然一眼望到地面,会感觉不太舒服。石材的餐桌貌似现在用的人不是很多,一般是比较大的餐桌才会选用到 我们还要注意餐桌椅是否牢固,我们可以压着桌椅摇摆它,观察是否出现松动现象,金属类的要注意是否有出现生锈现象,观察做工是否仔细!也要考虑到桌椅是否会给地板造成磨损!
Then consider what material to choose! The advantages and suitable environments of various materials have been mentioned by the editor a few days ago. Among them, wooden tables and chairs are very particular in terms of baking paint. In addition, the color of the glass should not be too transparent. Even transparent glass should be covered underneath, otherwise it will feel uncomfortable when looking at the ground. Stone dining tables don't seem to be widely used nowadays. They are usually chosen for larger dining tables. We also need to pay attention to whether the tables and chairs are firm. We can press and sway them to observe if there is any looseness. For metal tables, we need to pay attention to whether there is rust and observe if the workmanship is careful! Also, consider whether tables and chairs will cause wear and tear on the floor!

The panel material of dining tables and chairs - stainless steel. Before, we learned about the advantages of fire-resistant panels and melamine materials for dining tables and chairs! So today we will continue to understand the advantages of stainless steel tables and chairs: firstly, stainless steel tables and chairs will not fade or change color. They can maintain their original color for a long time at room temperature, and have excellent corrosion resistance. Through a series of tests, it has been shown that it is corrosion-resistant, acid resistant, does not change color, does not deform, bright and tough, and will not cause any side effects or harm to the human body. It has good corrosion resistance and is a special metal. It will not turn black like silver, nor will it be allergic or toxic!

买餐桌椅的选购和需要注意的事项 Selection of dinin的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



上一篇:专为孩子设计的餐桌椅! Specially designed dining t

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