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Should electric desks be designed according to the growth of students as they grow taller

国家的发展,生活水平的提高,现在的青少年身体素质,也越来越优越,这也是国家重视的,因为青少年的未来就是祖国的未来。现在学校普遍存在电动桌的高度和学生的身高不匹配的情况,高高的个头趴在矮矮的课桌上做作业真的很不舒服。孩子长高了,课桌也该长高了。 显然,现在的电动桌高度对高三级身材高大的学生而言,显得有点过于;袖珍;了。
The development of the country, the improvement of living standards, and the increasingly superior physical fitness of young people are also important to the country, because the future of young people is the future of the motherland. Nowadays, there is a common situation in schools where the height of electric desks does not match the height of students. It is really uncomfortable for tall people to lie on short desks doing homework. The child has grown taller, and the desk should also grow taller. Obviously, the current height of electric desks seems a bit too high for tall students in their third year of high school; Pocket size; Yes.

电动桌规格太小,不少中学生只得将书本装进箱子堆放到地上。 记者调查发现,近10年中学生平均身高长了3厘米,高个子和大块头明显多了。然而学生课桌的使用标准却10年未变。专家提醒,电动桌不匹配会导致驼背近视,影响孩子的成长发育。 实况案例王先生的儿子刚升高三就长到了180厘米,因为课桌太矮脚放不直,一天下来总是腰酸背痛。
The size of the electric desk is too small, and many middle school students have to pack their books into boxes and stack them on the ground. The journalist's investigation found that in the past 10 years, the average height of middle school students has increased by 3 centimeters, with significantly more height and size. However, the usage standards for student desks have remained unchanged for 10 years. Experts remind that mismatched electric desks can lead to hunchback and myopia, affecting children's growth and development. Mr. Wang's son grew to 180 centimeters just as he entered his third year of high school. Due to his desk being too short and his feet not being able to stand straight, he always experiences back pain and soreness throughout the day.

不仅如此,由于课本较多,桌面几乎没有空隙,孩子不得不斜着身子记笔记、写作业。三年来,孩子长高了近30厘米,体重也增加了20多斤,但他使用的桌椅高度却三年不变。王先生担心会影响孩子发育。 不合体的电动桌对学生的影响很大,学生容易驼背近视。希望学校和社会多对青少年学生关注。自成立以来一直从事教学设备的生产经营,致力于为学校提供简单、快捷、优质的教学设备服务。
Moreover, due to the large number of textbooks and almost no gaps on the desktop, children have to tilt their bodies to take notes and do homework. In the past three years, the child has grown nearly 30 centimeters in height and gained over 20 pounds in weight, but the height of the tables and chairs he uses has remained unchanged for three years. Mr. Wang is concerned that it may affect the child's development. A mismatched electric desk has a significant impact on students, who are prone to hunchback and myopia. I hope schools and society can pay more attention to young students. Since its establishment, we have been engaged in the production and operation of teaching equipment, committed to providing schools with simple, fast, and high-quality teaching equipment services.


联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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