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中式和新中式电动餐桌,有哪些区别呢? What a

中式和新中式电动餐桌,有哪些区别呢? What a

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中式和新中式电动餐桌,有哪些区别呢? What a详细说明

What are the differences between Chinese and new Chinese electric dining tables?

区别1:定义不同  中式电动餐桌:秉承着中式风格以宫廷建筑为代表的中国古典建筑室内装饰设计风格,在设计方面,沿袭了华夏几千年的历史文化内涵。  新中式电动餐桌:融合了古典端庄的中式电动餐桌te点和现代的时尚质感,将中式文化的精髓和现代的材质、设计理念巧妙的结合在一起。  区别2:te点不同  中式电动餐桌:ji其讲究对称,非常具有收藏、养生和象征意义,而且取材也很讲究,多以硬木为材质,比如沉香木、紫檀木、鸡翅木等珍稀名贵木材,其成本高、价格昂贵。  
Difference 1: Definition of Different Chinese Electric Dining Tables: Adhering to the Chinese classical architectural interior decoration design style represented by palace architecture, in terms of design, it inherits the historical and cultural connotations of China for thousands of years. New Chinese Electric Dining Table: It combines the classic and dignified Chinese electric dining table elements with modern fashionable textures, cleverly combining the essence of Chinese culture with modern materials and design concepts. Difference 2: Different Chinese electric dining tables: They emphasize symmetry, which is very meaningful for collection, health preservation, and symbolism. They are also made of hardwood materials, such as agarwood, rosewood, chicken wing wood, and other rare and precious woods, which have high costs and high prices.

新中式电动餐桌:将中式风格和现代风格结合起来,造型上线条简单、古朴大方,色彩上多用柔和的中性色,给人自然温馨的舒适感,装饰材料上,壁纸、瓷砖较为常用,将传统风韵和现代舒适感完美交融在一起。  te点1、造型  新中式风格电动餐桌在造型上导入了现代化的干燥工艺和收缩工艺,而且依照现代人的审美需求及功能需求打造而出,是一种现代中国风电动餐桌,将传统元素和现代元素有效结合。它在造型上充分考虑了人体结构和其舒展性的关系,非常人性化。  
New Chinese Electric Dining Table: Combining Chinese and modern styles, the design features simple lines, rustic elegance, and soft neutral colors, providing a natural and warm comfort. In terms of decorative materials, wallpaper and ceramic tiles are commonly used, perfectly blending traditional charm and modern comfort. Te point 1: The new Chinese style electric dining table has introduced modern drying and shrinking techniques in its design, and is designed according to the aesthetic and functional needs of modern people. It is a modern Chinese style electric dining table that effectively combines traditional and modern elements. It fully considers the relationship between human body structure and its stretchability in its design, making it very user-friendly.

te点2、文化气息  任何一种风格电动餐桌都有其te定的文化背景,新中式营造的是富有中国浪漫情调的生活空间,其书卷味较浓,是文人画和文人诗词的延展,这种家居风格让人感到舒服。  te点3、整体线条  新中式注重线条简单流畅、精雕细琢,既要有浑然天成的气息,也要有巧夺天工的精细。  te点4、空间层次  新中式风格讲究空间层次感,一般会使用中式的屏风、木门等隔视线,层次美让整个空间大而不空、厚而不重。  te点5、实用性  新中式电动餐桌在坐具方面做了很大改革,比如沙发扶手、椅子靠背等融入了科学的人体工学设计,沙发坐垫的填充物较柔软、靠背部分偏硬,还有te制的腰枕,更具人性化。 岚慧
Te Point 2: Cultural Atmosphere: Every style of electric dining table has its own unique cultural background. The new Chinese style creates a living space full of Chinese romantic atmosphere, with a strong literary flavor. It is an extension of literati painting and poetry, and this home style makes people feel comfortable. TE point 3: The overall line of the new Chinese style emphasizes simple, smooth, and finely crafted lines, which should have a natural atmosphere and exquisite craftsmanship. Te point 4: The new Chinese style emphasizes spatial hierarchy, usually using Chinese screens, wooden doors, etc. to separate the line of sight. The beauty of hierarchy makes the entire space large but not empty, thick but not heavy. Point 5: Practicality: The new Chinese electric dining table has undergone significant reforms in terms of seating, such as incorporating scientific ergonomic design into sofa armrests, chair backrests, etc. The filling of the sofa cushion is softer, the backrest part is harder, and there is also a TE made waist pillow, which is more humanized. Lan Hui

买中式和新中式电动餐桌,有哪些区别呢? What a的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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