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How can we protect our desks in daily life, and are there any good ways?

现在随着国内教育事业的蓬勃发展,接受高等教育的学子自已增加。而相对的就会有弊端浮出水面。比如课桌的损耗率太大,下面就由教学设备来告诉你日常该如何保护课桌来延长其使用寿命。 、每日可用湿毛巾来将桌面擦拭一遍来保持其清洁。但是在这里我们要注意一点,不要用太湿的毛巾擦拭,好后再用干毛巾均匀的轻拭一遍。 第二、不要再桌子上乱写乱画,好可以选择一个周期将课桌重新喷漆。这样可以保证课桌的清洁性和减少损耗。 第三、使用完毕后不要将其乱摆乱放,要将其整齐的轻放在一起。
With the vigorous development of domestic education, the number of students receiving higher education has increased. On the other hand, there will be drawbacks that will surface. For example, if the wear and tear rate of a desk is too high, the following teaching equipment will tell you how to protect the desk in daily life to extend its service life You can use a damp towel to wipe the desktop once a day to keep it clean. But here we need to be careful not to use a damp towel to wipe, and then use a dry towel to gently wipe it evenly. Secondly, do not scribble on the desk anymore. You can choose a cycle to repaint the desk. This can ensure the cleanliness of the desk and reduce wear and tear. Thirdly, after use, do not place them randomly, but neatly and gently place them together.

使用是要减少课桌与其它物体的碰撞和摩擦。这样可以大大减少课桌的损耗。 第四、可发布相关纪律和信息,号召全校学生来爱护自己的课桌。 电动桌的设计会影响影响孩子发育吗?众所周知中如果小学期是人生身体发育成长的重要时期,同时在这段时间学生大部分时间都是停留在电动桌上。所以课桌是否规范直接影响了孩子的坐姿甚至身体发育。现在就有教学设备为大家介绍一下为什么不好的课桌为有这些影响。 桌椅的高度与学生的身高不般配,大多数中小学各个年级都是使用同一种类型的电动桌,并且大多都是大型。
The purpose of use is to reduce collisions and friction between the desk and other objects. This can greatly reduce the wear and tear of desks. Fourthly, relevant discipline and information can be released to call on all students in the school to take care of their desks. Will the design of an electric desk affect children's development? As is well known, the primary and secondary school years are an important period for physical development and growth in life, during which students spend most of their time on electric desks. So whether the desk is standardized directly affects a child's sitting posture and even physical development. Now we have teaching equipment to introduce why bad desks have these effects. The height of the desks and chairs does not match the height of the students, and most primary and secondary schools use the same type of electric desk for each grade, and most of them are large.

根本就没有按照学生的身高来配置,这样就严重影响了学生的坐姿。 第二、是桌椅酣畅性差。通常课桌的抽屉高约10公分,但是现在孩子们的书包的厚度都会达到15至20公分,这样一来就造成了书包不能够完全放在抽屉中,这样就占据了孩子们坐位的位置,坐在椅子上的前半部听课。 如果课桌不随着学生的身高而配置的话,那么就严重影响了它们的身体发育。惹起学生上课时坐姿不良,构成歪着身体或前探身子等不良习惯,久则影响身形,构成脊柱曲折、驼背等问题。
It is not configured according to the height of the students, which seriously affects their sitting posture. Secondly, the smoothness of tables and chairs is poor. Usually, the drawer of a desk is about 10 centimeters high, but now the thickness of children's backpacks can reach 15 to 20 centimeters, which means that the backpacks cannot be completely placed in the drawer, occupying the front half of the children's seats and listening to lectures. If desks are not configured according to students' height, it will seriously affect their physical development. Causing students to have poor sitting posture during class, resulting in unhealthy habits such as tilting their bodies or leaning forward, which can affect their body shape over time and cause problems such as spinal curvature and hunchback.


联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



上一篇:电动桌的设计会影响影响孩子发育吗? Will the


