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椅子尺寸和我们健康的联系! The connection betwee

椅子尺寸和我们健康的联系! The connection betwee

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椅子尺寸和我们健康的联系! The connection betwee详细说明

The connection between chair size and our health!

There are various types of office desks and chairs on the market now, with uneven quality and size. For non professionals, how to grasp the size of desks and chairs is a headache. Below are a few simple selection criteria for learning and office desks, chairs, and sofas that we are more concerned about in daily life: firstly, for electric desks, the height difference is 280mm; Between 300mm; The height under the writing desk shall not be less than 580mm and the width shall not be less than 520mm.

A table that is too short or a chair that is too high can affect a person's spine and lumbar spine, especially for children's vision and growth and development. If the space under the desk is not up to standard, legs cannot move freely, and currently many remote rural schools cannot fully use reasonable electric desks. Secondly, regarding the sofa, the front width of the sofa seat should not be less than 480mm; The depth of the seat surface should be 480mm; Between 600mm; The seat height should be 360mm; Within the range of 420mm. Nowadays, some simple and fashionable low rise sofas are highly favored by young people.

However, the height and width of office sofas are closely related to health. If the front width of the sofa seat is less than the standard, the space of the sofa will become narrow; The depth of the seat surface is too deep, making it difficult for the calf to naturally sag and the calf prone to compression; Being too shallow can give people a feeling of being unable to sit still; The seat surface is too high, just like sitting on a high chair, which is very uncomfortable. If it is too low, people will feel more difficult to stand up.

买椅子尺寸和我们健康的联系! The connection betwee的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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