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儿童书桌椅的挑选要“合身” The selection of chil

儿童书桌椅的挑选要“合身” The selection of chil

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儿童书桌椅的挑选要“合身” The selection of chil详细说明

The selection of children's desks and chairs should fit well

According to research by relevant medical experts, an ill fitting desk greatly affects children's health and development, and can lead to decreased vision and the onset of spinal diseases. Long term use of ill fitting desks and chairs can cause hunchback, myopia, and other phenomena.

According to market research data, currently only some parents consider that their children's height is constantly changing with age, and these parents will consider buying suitable desks and chairs for their children. I think parents should take this into consideration. Moreover, long-term use of poorly fitting desks and chairs for learning can cause discomfort and fatigue in children due to incorrect sitting positions. This can lead to an inability to ensure learning efficiency. How can we achieve good grades?

The impact of desks and chairs on the healthy growth of primary and secondary school students has also received high attention from relevant government departments. In 2003, the Ministry of Health issued and implemented the "Functional Standards for School Electric Desks" standard, which stipulated that educational institutions should equip students with ten different heights of desks from primary to high school, and consider equipping them with rotatable desks when conditions are met! Rotating tables and chairs can be adjusted to a height suitable for children's learning, creating a healthy and comfortable learning environment for your child!

买儿童书桌椅的挑选要“合身” The selection of chil的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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