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餐桌椅的摆放技巧和摆放禁忌 Tips and Taboos for P

餐桌椅的摆放技巧和摆放禁忌 Tips and Taboos for P

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餐桌椅的摆放技巧和摆放禁忌 Tips and Taboos for P详细说明

Tips and Taboos for Placing Dining Tables and Chairs

Each of us cannot live without contact with dining tables and chairs. Have you learned about the placement techniques for dining tables and chairs? Today, let's all learn about the relevant issues together! A circular dining table is relatively more traditional, and its advantage is that it is more flexible and suitable for restaurants with relatively small areas. It is placed in the position where the restaurant is connected to the kitchen, as a tool for family members to eat in daily life. It is usually placed against the wall to reduce space and positioning.

对于折叠餐桌的摆放,现在住房如此紧张,折叠式的餐桌对不小户型住房时非常实用的,平时不用的时候可以将其折叠而放,完全不占用房屋空间。方形桌椅的摆放,方形桌椅更适合于人口比较多的家庭,长形的餐桌完全可以搭配以盏吊灯,增加家庭温馨感。还有告诉大家一些餐桌的摆放禁忌,1.切记餐桌不易与门相直冲,因为餐桌是大家吃饭用的,吃饭因保持一安静的环境,餐桌与门直冲,会让人感到不舒适。 2.忌酒店桌椅和厕所门一条直线。
For the placement of foldable dining tables, with the current housing shortage, foldable dining tables are very practical for large apartments. When not in use, they can be folded and placed without occupying any space in the house. The placement of square tables and chairs is more suitable for families with a larger population. A long dining table can be paired with a chandelier to add warmth to the family. Also, let me tell you some table placement taboos. 1. Remember that the table should not be directly facing the door, because the table is used by everyone for eating. To maintain a quiet environment, the table should be directly facing the door, which can make people feel uncomfortable. 2. Avoid aligning hotel tables, chairs, and toilet doors in a straight line.

厕所在风水学上被视为出污秽不洁的地方,因此厕所的位置越隐蔽越好。如果厕所门口正对餐桌,则会影响一家人的健康。3忌餐桌椅和大门一条直线。 住宅风水上讲究忌直冲喜旋回,如有犯冲导致住宅的元气易泄之时风水就会大受影响。若大门餐桌成一条直线,站在门外就能看见餐桌椅,这也是风水大忌,这时,解决的方法好是将餐桌椅 移开,实在无法时也应该在中间放置屏风来阻隔。通过以上了解我想大家应该对餐桌的摆放有所认识了,希望大家能够运用在生活当中,后祝大家周末愉快!
Toilets are considered as dirty and unclean places in feng shui, so the more concealed the location of the toilet, the better. If the toilet door is facing the dining table, it will affect the health of the whole family. 3. Avoid aligning the dining table, chairs, and door in a straight line. When it comes to feng shui in residential areas, it is important to avoid direct and indirect movements. If there is a tendency to cause the vitality of the residential area to easily dissipate due to a violation of the rules, the feng shui will be greatly affected. If the dining table at the entrance is in a straight line, standing outside the door can see the dining table and chairs, which is also a feng shui taboo. In this case, a good solution is to move the dining table and chairs away, and if it is really impossible, a screen should also be placed in the middle to block it. Based on the above understanding, I believe everyone should have some understanding of the arrangement of dining tables. I hope everyone can apply it to their daily lives. I wish everyone a happy weekend!

买餐桌椅的摆放技巧和摆放禁忌 Tips and Taboos for P的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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