Appreciation of Chinese hotel furniture with light ink and freehand brushwork - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
淡墨写意的中式酒店家具是否有我们想象的那么优美呢?中式酒店家具与我们常见的酒店家具有什么不同呢?我们一起去欣赏吧! 中式酒店家具设计借鉴工笔画的技法,运用工整细致、抑扬顿挫。
Is the light ink and freehand Chinese hotel furniture as beautiful as we imagine? What are the differences between Chinese hotel furniture and our common hotel furniture? Let's go appreciate it together! The design of Chinese hotel furniture draws inspiration from the techniques of gongbi painting, using neatness, delicacy, and intonation.
Rich and varied lines outline the form; By leaving a large amount of space blank and arranging objects in detail; Rendering out“ During the Huangmei season, it rains in every house, and frogs are everywhere in the green grass and pond. I can't make it past midnight, playing chess pieces and falling lanterns& rdquo; The peaceful and indifferent life atmosphere expressed. Reading recommendation: Shanghai Star River Garden Hotel Furniture Beauty Display Chinese Hotel Furniture 1 Chinese Hotel Furniture 2 Chinese Hotel Furniture 3 Chinese Hotel Furniture 4 Chinese Hotel Furniture
5 淡墨写意的中式酒店家具欣赏,不知道朋友们是否感觉到了与其他酒店家具的不一样呢?佛山酒店家具为我们提供了精美的中式酒店家具图片展示,带我们深入的了解不同的酒店家具的设计风格与魅力!
Appreciation of Chinese hotel furniture with light ink and freehand brushwork. Do you feel different from other hotel furniture? Foshan Hotel Furniture provides us with exquisite pictures of Chinese hotel furniture, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of the design styles and charm of different hotel furniture!