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Foshan Electric Dining Table Factory | How to choose between an overall electric dining table and a customized electric dining table?

一、买整体电动餐桌还是定制电动餐桌好1、 简介定制电动餐桌分为标准定制和非标准定制。标准定制是在工厂规定的尺寸下进行电动餐桌的功能定制,以满足我们日常的生活习惯。非标准定制主要是指非工厂标准模块的尺寸定制,它更加的注重外观的定制,突出个性。整体电动餐桌也被人们称为集成电动餐桌,它是将厨房的电动餐桌、电器等功能集为一体的电动餐桌组合。它是按照业主家中厨房的面积、需求等情况,进行整体设计、施工的电动餐桌产品。
1、 Is it better to buy a whole electric dining table or customize an electric dining table? 1. Introduction: Customized electric dining tables can be divided into standard customization and non-standard customization. Standard customization refers to the functional customization of electric dining tables within the dimensions specified by the factory to meet our daily living habits. Non standard customization mainly refers to the size customization of non factory standard modules, which focuses more on the customization of appearance and highlights individuality. The integrated electric dining table, also known as the integrated electric dining table, is a combination of kitchen electric dining tables, appliances, and other functions. It is an electric dining table product designed and constructed as a whole according to the area and needs of the owner's kitchen.

2、 安全定制电动餐桌的并不能拥有足够的安全保障,因为它的安全性能主要来自于设计师和制作商,主要看他们是否专业。整体电动餐桌是由专业人士进行设计施工,它将厨房的水火、电气完美的结合在一起,杜了各种安全隐患。3、 价格定制电动餐桌的价格有很大的变动性,它主要看电动餐桌使用的材质。整体电动餐桌的价格昂贵,选择整体电动餐桌还包括它搭配好的抽油烟机等电器。
2. Customized electric dining tables for safety cannot have sufficient safety guarantees, as their safety performance mainly comes from designers and manufacturers, mainly depending on whether they are professional. The overall electric dining table is designed and constructed by professionals, which perfectly combines the water, fire, and electrical aspects of the kitchen, eliminating various safety hazards. 3. The price of customized electric dining tables varies greatly depending on the materials used. The price of a whole electric dining table is expensive, and choosing a whole electric dining table also includes its paired appliances such as a range hood.

4、 设计一般定制电动餐桌主要是对厨房的储物功能进行设计。整体电动餐桌在功能设计上考虑的比较全面细致,像各种功能性配件的使用,如何有效的利用空间等。二、定制电动餐桌的注意事项1、定制电动餐桌存在着甲醛、苯等有害物质,定制电动餐桌需要对面板、柜体板、粘胶等进行处理,以保证电动餐桌中含有的有害物质不超标。2、验收定制电动餐桌的时候,需要仔细检查电动餐桌的表面,避免电动餐桌存在毛刺、尖角等缺陷,因为这些很容易对小朋友造成伤害,也有可能造成误食碎屑等情况的发生。3、定制电动餐桌的时候还要考虑它的水电气安全,比如说水槽溢水口的处理,电器、电线的漏电保护等,它们是和电动餐桌的设计安装有关联,在设计安装电动餐桌的时候需要一并考虑进去。
4. Designing custom electric dining tables mainly involves designing the storage function of the kitchen. The overall electric dining table takes into account comprehensive and detailed functional design, such as the use of various functional accessories and how to effectively utilize space. 2、 Precautions for customizing electric dining tables: 1. Customized electric dining tables contain harmful substances such as formaldehyde and benzene. Customized electric dining tables require treatment of panels, cabinet boards, adhesives, etc. to ensure that the harmful substances contained in the electric dining table do not exceed the standard. 2. When accepting customized electric dining tables, it is necessary to carefully inspect the surface of the electric dining table to avoid defects such as burrs and sharp corners, as these can easily cause harm to children and may also lead to the occurrence of accidental ingestion of debris. 3. When customizing an electric dining table, it is also necessary to consider its water and electrical safety, such as the treatment of the overflow of the sink, the leakage protection of electrical appliances and wires, etc. They are related to the design and installation of the electric dining table, and need to be taken into account when designing and installing the electric dining table.


联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区





