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用办公电动桌做瘦身操 Using an office electric desk

用办公电动桌做瘦身操 Using an office electric desk

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用办公电动桌做瘦身操 Using an office electric desk详细说明

Using an office electric desk for slimming exercises

上班累吗?天天坐在办公桌前难受吗?相信很多朋友都会回答是吧!长时间的坐在椅子上,腰围不自觉的就长了一圈又一圈。这就是男人的啤酒肚、女人的游泳圈。现在教学办公设备公司就给您说一个好方法,让你坐在办公室就可以做瘦身操。不仅锻炼身体还能解除因为长时间办公产生的疲劳。   办公室里,唯一的设备就是办公桌椅了。下面我的这个瘦身操就是利用我们平时做的椅子来完成的。一共有6步。咱们看一看它的步骤吧!
Are you tired from work? Is it uncomfortable to sit at a desk every day? I believe many friends will answer yes! Sitting in a chair for a long time, one's waist circumference unconsciously grows one circle after another. This is the beer belly of men and the swimming circle of women. Now the teaching office equipment company will give you a good method, allowing you to do slimming exercises while sitting in the office. Not only can it exercise the body, but it can also relieve fatigue caused by long hours of work. The only equipment in the office is desks and chairs. My slimming exercise below is done using the chairs we usually make. There are a total of 6 steps. Let's take a look at its steps!

1. Sit on a chair with your feet shoulder width apart, hold your waist with both hands, keep your back straight and your eyes straight ahead, inhale, lift your right foot parallel to the ground, push your heels out, and your toes pointed upwards. 2. Inhale, then straighten your right foot and feel the extension of the leg muscles, then push your heel out and tighten your instep. Maintain natural breathing movements for 15-20 breaths or more, then repeat the previous movement with the other foot, taking turns repeating it multiple times. 3. Retract your feet and sit on the chair, feet together, hands on the base of your thighs, waist and back straight, eyes straight ahead. Step on the ground with your heels, and tilt your toes upwards as much as possible.

4.吸气,将你的双脚脚背绷直脚尖点地,然后再将脚后跟踩下去,脚尖翘起来。每次动作都保持15个呼吸的间隔。动作可以重复多次。 5.双脚分开与肩同宽站在椅子后面,用你的右手扶住椅子,左手扶住腰部,吸气将你的左脚往前跨一小步。 6.吸气,将你的左脚脚趾尖摆向左方,脚后跟则正对着右方,右脚和左脚垂直,身体其他部位保持中正不变,动作坚持10~20个呼吸左右。好了,上面的6个步骤就是我说的瘦身操了。简单吧!赶快试一下吧!
4. Inhale, straighten the backs of your feet and place your toes on the ground, then step on the heels and raise your toes. Maintain a 15 breath interval for each movement. The action can be repeated multiple times. 5. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart behind the chair, hold the chair with your right hand and your waist with your left hand. Inhale and take a small step forward with your left foot. 6. Inhale and swing the tip of your left foot's toe to the left, with the heel facing the right side and the right foot perpendicular to the left foot. Keep the rest of your body centered and maintain this posture for about 10-20 breaths. Alright, the six steps above are what I called slimming exercises. Easy! Hurry up and give it a try!

买用办公电动桌做瘦身操 Using an office electric desk的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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