如何选购实用又实惠的餐桌椅 How to Choose Practic详细说明
How to Choose Practical and Affordable Dining Tables and Chairs
在选购餐桌椅的时候,很多人不知道应该注意哪些,在选购这些家居产品时,确实有不少讲究,掌握以下选购技巧保你购到实惠而又实用的餐桌椅。 1、选购餐桌前的准备 选择餐桌前,应首先考虑其功能定位,比如人口多少、餐厅的空间大小等。一般来说,1.6m;0.8m的中型餐桌即可,风格上适宜选择富有厚重感的。如果餐厅面积有限,不妨在靠墙或靠窗的一边放一张狭长餐桌,在桌子另一侧摆上椅子,会使空间显得大一些。 其次,要考虑是否与整体家居风格相协调。如果整个家居的风格较正统,宜选用线条流畅、转角较为柔和的木质餐桌。如果是简约抽象的现代风格,可考虑玻璃台面或者不规则形状的款式。
When choosing dining tables and chairs, many people don't know what to pay attention to. When choosing these home products, there are indeed many things to pay attention to. Mastering the following purchasing skills will ensure that you can buy affordable and practical dining tables and chairs. 1. Before choosing a dining table, one should first consider its functional positioning, such as the population and the size of the restaurant's space. Generally speaking, 1.6m; A medium-sized dining table of 0.8m is sufficient, and it is suitable to choose a style that is rich in weight. If the restaurant area is limited, it is advisable to place a narrow dining table on one side of the wall or window, and a chair on the other side of the table to make the space appear larger. Secondly, it is necessary to consider whether it is in harmony with the overall home style. If the overall style of the home is more orthodox, it is advisable to choose a wooden dining table with smooth lines and softer corners. If it is a minimalist and abstract modern style, glass countertops or irregularly shaped styles can be considered.

再次,挑选餐桌时,还要考虑地板的材质。如果家中是木质地板,应避免选择庞大、厚重的餐桌,以防刮伤地板。或是给桌脚加个防护套,也可以较好的保护地板。 2、选购时餐桌椅需注意的事项 选购餐桌椅的首要一点是要看质量。质量一方面体现在设计上符合人体工程学原理,试坐在餐椅上感觉舒适,胳膊可以自然地摆放在桌面为佳。 再就是要看桌椅的牢固性,别是餐椅因使用榆木、榉木等木材的餐椅较为牢固。
Once again, when selecting a dining table, it is also important to consider the material of the floor. If your home has wooden flooring, avoid choosing a large and heavy dining table to prevent scratching the floor. Alternatively, adding a protective cover to the table legs can also better protect the floor. 2. When choosing dining tables and chairs, the first thing to pay attention to is the quality. On the one hand, the quality is reflected in the design that conforms to ergonomic principles. It is best to sit comfortably on the dining chair and place your arms naturally on the desktop. Another thing to consider is the firmness of the tables and chairs, especially the dining chairs made of wood such as elm and beech, which are more sturdy.
除试坐感觉椅子是否摇晃稳不稳外,还可通过观察椅腿有无疤节和裂缝修补的痕迹来加以判断,餐椅椅腿及支撑部位不能用有疤节和裂缝的材料,否则会严重影响使用寿命。 3、餐具选购指南 (1)陶瓷餐具小心铅中毒。陶瓷餐具中的铅,来源于餐具的贴花饰物中,人们用这种餐具盛放含有有机酸的食品时,铅会溶出,并随着食品一起进入人体,时间久了就会铅中毒。 (2)不锈钢餐具使用要得当。不能用不锈钢器皿煎熬中药,加热后有可能发生化学反应,生成某些毒性更大的化合物。 (3)不可用不锈钢来长时间盛放盐、酱油、菜汤等。因为这些食品中含有很多电解质,长时间会让不锈钢与电解质起反应,会使得毒金属元素被溶解出来。
In addition to feeling whether the chair is shaking or unstable during trial sitting, it can also be judged by observing whether there are scars and crack repair marks on the legs of the chair. Materials with scars and cracks on the legs and support parts of the dining chair cannot be used, otherwise it will seriously affect its service life. 3. Guide to Choosing Tableware (1) Be careful of lead poisoning in ceramic tableware. The lead in ceramic tableware comes from the decorative stickers on tableware. When people use this type of tableware to hold food containing organic acids, the lead will dissolve and enter the human body together with the food, leading to lead poisoning over time. (2) Stainless steel tableware should be used appropriately. Stainless steel vessels should not be used to boil traditional Chinese medicine, as heating may cause chemical reactions and generate some more toxic compounds. (3) Stainless steel is not suitable for long-term storage of salt, soy sauce, vegetable soup, etc. Because these foods contain a lot of electrolytes, long-term reactions between stainless steel and electrolytes can cause toxic metal elements to be dissolved.