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Tips for selecting high-quality dining tables and chairs: Three chair and stool surface selection techniques

上一篇文章我们介绍到选择餐座椅的桌面技巧之二桌架的选择。下面我们来看下第三个选择餐桌椅所需要关注的点,椅面以及凳面的选择。 常见的凳面制作材料有以下几种,分别是密度板,装饰板,实木板,不锈钢板四种材质,我们通过下面的表格来看下四种板材区别。        制作材料:经铁型打磨后表 面进行喷漆处理 , 利用漆层包裹基材 , 可以个性配色, 制体出色彩艳丽的各色凳面 ,具有对潮湿封闭性能好、清洁方便,外观豪华等优点耐冲击、撞击性能差 , 也不耐强酸、强碱、强烈紫外线照射会变色,烤漆工艺的优劣对产品质量 影响很大. 装饰板:以密度板或刨花板为基材,表面贴覆 耐火材料。
In the previous article, we introduced the second tabletop technique for choosing dining seats: the selection of a table frame. Let's take a look at the third point to consider when choosing a dining table or chair, which is the selection of chair and stool surfaces. There are four common materials for making stool surfaces: density board, decorative board, solid wood board, and stainless steel board. Let's take a look at the differences between the four types of boards through the table below. Production materials: After being polished with iron molds, the surface is sprayed with paint. The substrate is wrapped with a paint layer, allowing for personalized color matching. Various colorful stool surfaces are produced, which have the advantages of good moisture sealing performance, easy cleaning, luxurious appearance, etc. Impact resistance is poor, and it is not resistant to strong acid, strong alkali, and strong ultraviolet radiation that can change color. The quality of the baking paint process has a great impact on the product quality Decorative board: Using density board or particle board as the base material, the surface is covered with refractory material.

其色彩可选范围大,防热阻燃 性能好 ,但正面与背面拉力不均衡时易弯曲、变形。  实木板:实术具有色泽柔和,纹理自然 ,同时随周围环境气候能自我调节的点           不符合环保要求,而且木材前期处理非常重要,否则易开裂、翘曲、变形等,工艺复杂,要求较高 , 油漆封闭性能要好。此款门板价格较高不锈钢板 表面为成型不锈钢薄板 , 里衬垫人造板。具有耐冲击、撞击 ; 耐腐蚀 , 耐水冲淋 ; 耐擦洗并能保持常新 ;
It has a wide range of color options and good heat and flame retardant properties, but it is prone to bending and deformation when the tension between the front and back is uneven. Solid wood board: Solid wood board has a soft color, natural texture, and can self regulate with the surrounding environment and climate, which does not meet environmental requirements. Moreover, the pre-treatment of wood is very important, otherwise it is prone to cracking, warping, deformation, etc. The process is complex and requires high requirements, and the paint sealing performance needs to be good. This door panel has a higher price. The surface of the stainless steel plate is formed stainless steel sheet, and the inner lining is made of artificial board. Has resistance to impact and impact; Corrosion resistance and water flushing resistance; Durable to scrubbing and able to maintain freshness;

耐火、耐热 ; 使用寿 命长不过颜色单调 , 没有亲近感 , 尺寸大 小有一定的模数 , 不能随意变化 , 而且里面衬板易生霉菌。 后椅面的选择就比较简单了,主要看是否有疤痕,有则是垃圾产品,光滑则是优质产品,那么价格肯定就区分出来了,所以我们要根据自己的经济状况和使用时间来决定我们选择哪个产品适合我们,不是贵的就是好,适合我们就是好的。 那么我们通过桌面,桌架,椅面、凳面三个点介绍如何选择餐桌椅,已经结束。希望能对广大用户带来一些帮助!
Fire resistance and heat resistance; The service life is long, but the color is monotonous and lacks a sense of closeness. The size has a certain modulus and cannot be changed arbitrarily. Moreover, the inner lining plate is prone to mold growth. The selection of the rear seat surface is relatively simple, mainly based on whether there are scars. If there are, it is a junk product, and if it is smooth, it is a high-quality product. Therefore, the price will definitely be distinguished. Therefore, we need to decide which product is suitable for us based on our economic situation and usage time. If it is not expensive, it is good, and if it is suitable for us, it is good. So let's introduce how to choose a dining table and chair through three points: desktop, table frame, chair surface, and stool surface. That's it. I hope it can bring some help to the vast number of users!


联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



上一篇:带“吱吱”声的电动桌被淘汰了! Electric desks
下一篇:该怎样处理学生爱趴桌子上的现象? How to deal


