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修电动桌,学生该买单么? Should students pay for

修电动桌,学生该买单么? Should students pay for

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修电动桌,学生该买单么? Should students pay for详细说明

Should students pay for repairing electric desks?

Recently, several parents have reported that the school's electric desk is broken, and the repair cost should be borne by the students. Should we? The editor just sounded confused, why? Why do students have to bear the cost of teaching and repairing when they pay for tuition fees, books, desk usage fees, and so on? Is the school too deceitful! Let me tell you about the recent events that have happened, electric table editor! Event replay: Recently, parents of Suiping County Second Junior High School have repeatedly called our reporter to report that the school has imposed taxes on students; Table and stool repair costs;. Parents don't understand: how can students pay for repairing desks and chairs in school? The reporter immediately began the interview.; Summer vacation takes place around July 5th every year.; Repair costs for tables and chairs; The harvest will begin in late June.; A few parents said,; Every time parents pay, they are filled with resentment, but they dare not speak up.; The reporter interviewed several students.; I paid 5 yuan and nailed 3 iron nails to the stool.; The tall boy helped his glasses and said.; My desk was shaking slightly, and the carpenter hammered a few hammers and made a few mortises in the mortise. My desk mate and I each paid 5 yuan. The lower boy said that the carpenter repaired a bench or table in just a few seconds, which was like being in the classroom; Pick up money.

According to the classmates, who is sitting on a broken desk in the classroom, who pays to repair it. The repairman is a carpenter hired by the school from outside the school. The carpenter walks through each classroom, touches a stool, and says it needs to be repaired. When shaking the table, he says it needs to be reinforced. It costs 5 yuan to repair a bench, and 10 yuan to repair a desk; Cheap, you'll have to pay two yuan to nail a nail on the table and stool. Pay first, repair later, and focus on repairs on a per shift basis in the days leading up to summer vacation. According to Director Zhang of the School's Political and Educational Office, there are 31 classes, over 2000 students, and over 1000 sets of desks and chairs in the school. How many desks and chairs are damaged and need to be repaired each semester? The School's General Affairs Office is specifically responsible for this. The principal is unaware of the specific details. Collect from students; Repair costs for tables and chairs;, Not a school behavior.; Director Zhang explained that on the eve of this summer vacation, the repair of students' desks and chairs was also done by an off campus carpenter hired by the General Affairs Office. Last year, when the summer vacation was approaching, students reported that the cost of repairing tables and chairs was too high. He once reminded and criticized carpenters in person; Is the repair cost too high this year? No students have reported it to the school yet.

Is it reasonable for students to pay for repairing desks and chairs?; The reporter asked Director Zhang. Director Zhang didn't give a direct answer and hesitated for a while, saying: The school's budget is tight. Subsequently, the reporter called the office of Suiping County Education Bureau to report this issue. The office staff stated that they will report to the bureau leadership and promptly correct this disorderly charging behavior in the Second Junior High School. After the A12 edition of this newspaper reported this news on the 11th, titled "Why do students pay for repairing desks and chairs in schools?", it caused strong reactions in various sectors of society. The Suiping County Party Committee and County Government attach great importance to this matter and on the morning of the 11th, instructed the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, Supervision Bureau, Education and Sports Bureau and other relevant units to form a joint investigation team to conduct on-site investigations at the second junior high school in the county. The investigation results indicate that the report in this newspaper is true. The behavior of Suiping County Second Junior High School charging students for table and stool maintenance fees is a serious violation of the relevant regulations of the higher authorities in charging fees arbitrarily. On the afternoon of the 11th, according to the investigation results of the joint investigation team, the county ordered the second junior high school to immediately refund the full amount of table and stool maintenance fees collected to students.

买修电动桌,学生该买单么? Should students pay for的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
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Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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