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黑板的前世今生,你了解多少呢? How much do you

黑板的前世今生,你了解多少呢? How much do you

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黑板的前世今生,你了解多少呢? How much do you详细说明

How much do you know about the past and present of the blackboard?

There are two ways for people to communicate, one is oral communication, and the other is written communication. And there is something that accompanies us as we grow up, constantly influencing and changing our way of communication. It cleverly and vividly combines oral and written communication methods, allowing us to both see and hear. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, teaching, training, speeches, meetings, propaganda, and other places that require a lot of communication cannot be separated from one name; Blackboard; The tool. Before the invention of writing, people discovered that charcoal could be used for painting. In some ancient caves in Europe, ancient murals could be found, and the rock walls depicting these murals were traditionally referred to as blackboards. But with the development of the times, the blackboard; This term is also constantly enriching and improving its own connotation, constantly strengthening and enhancing its own functions. Our China Blackboard Wholesale Network has carefully studied the industry and deeply brewed the overall situation, extracting and summarizing five important eras in the development and evolution history of blackboards: Daishi Writing Blackboards: Made from common materials in production and life, mainly using ordinary pens to write on the surface, such as wooden blackboards, cement blackboards, glass blackboards, and metal blackboards.

The second generation is dust-free blackboard: In order to meet the requirements of professional writing and safety and environmental protection, a series of writing panel materials have gradually emerged, which can be easily written and wiped without dust pollution, such as ordinary whiteboards, professional writing grade whiteboards, velvet billboards, table drawing boards, and environmentally friendly writing films. The third generation is audiovisual blackboards: With the development of modern science and technology, especially in the field of projection imaging products, blackboards have evolved from simple text writing to having the function of displaying images. They can also integrate supporting products such as sound microphones. The combination of graphics and text has become a qualitative leap in the development history of blackboards, such as the commonly seen matte projection whiteboard, electric projection whiteboard, projection screen, photocopy electronic whiteboard, electronic display screen, fluorescent blackboard, etc. The fourth generation is interactive chalkboards: chalkboards that combine graphics and text often passively display them to the audience according to pre-set graphics and text, which precisely loses the inherent advantage of free writing and demonstration that blackboards should have. Until the continuous application and widespread popularity of computer technology in recent years, people have finally invented a revolutionary product that is epoch-making.

The interactive electronic whiteboard has realized the interconnection between the blackboard and the computer, so that the vast and endless Internet can be displayed between the blackboard, allowing us to draw freely, such as pressure sensitive electronic whiteboard, ultrasonic electronic whiteboard, electromagnetic electronic whiteboard, red external electronic whiteboard, laser electronic whiteboard, etc. The fifth generation is the imaging blackboard: this generation of products mainly focuses on solving the problem that the interactive electronic whiteboard needs various peripheral hardware to support the use of, and the imaging imaging technology and Internet technology are all concentrated on the blackboard itself. Since then, the blackboard has unlimited fun, which can provide direct and simple writing services for people's communication incisively, and can also provide efficient and rich image services in sound and color, such as TV blackboard, computer blackboard, mobile blackboard, e-paper book, digital signage, etc. Are you a bit surprised to read this, even wanting to exclaim even more that a small blackboard has so many brilliant histories that no one knows? A small blackboard plays an irreplaceable role in human communication!

买黑板的前世今生,你了解多少呢? How much do you的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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