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该怎样处理学生爱趴桌子上的现象? How to deal

该怎样处理学生爱趴桌子上的现象? How to deal

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该怎样处理学生爱趴桌子上的现象? How to deal详细说明

How to deal with the phenomenon of students leaning on the table?

Lying on the desk, except for a few cases where students suddenly experience physical discomfort, most of them are students with learning difficulties (referring to students with poor quality, low learning ability and knowledge foundation, backward ideological performance, or a combination of them), which is a behavior of neglecting class. In ordinary schools, it is mainly common in weak schools, especially in schools with a distinction between key and ordinary classes. This is because in ordinary classes in weak schools, students with learning difficulties make up the majority. Therefore, the behavior of students lying on desks in classroom teaching is worth exploring and researching. Why are students with learning difficulties accustomed to leaning over their desks in class? There are certainly many factors involved, but from their causes, students with learning difficulties tend to lean over their desks in class, mainly from two aspects.

外部方面的原因,主要是:1、教师对学困生的岐视新课程教学实施虽已多时,教师都知道新课程实施的基本理念是为了每一个学生的发展。然而因为新课程的实施毕竟是新生事物,任何新生事物的发展总会不是一帆风顺的。新课程的改革实施也不例外。尤其个别中老年教师,新课改对他们以往固有的观念带来的冲击,实施新课程改革遭遇学困生面带来授课时的困难以及麻烦,就推毁教师心中地位原本就并不稳固的新课改理念。教师的固执,野蛮、钻的学困生在过去的课堂教学给教师所添的麻烦使他们坚持认为:学困生在实施新课改中不可能会取得进步。2、课堂教学未从学生实际出发新课程的实施,新课改对教师以往固有的观念带来的冲击,个别学困生以往的落后表现令教师生厌,课堂教学中师生之间原本确立的;主仆式;师生关系要发展成 ;学生自主,师生互动;的平等、民主的课堂,教师心里也确实不愿意。
The main external reasons are: 1. The discrimination of teachers towards students with learning difficulties. Although the new curriculum has been implemented for a long time, teachers know that the basic concept of implementing the new curriculum is for the development of every student. However, because the implementation of the new curriculum is still a new thing, the development of any new thing will never be smooth sailing. The implementation of the new curriculum reform is no exception. Especially for some middle-aged and elderly teachers, the impact of the new curriculum reform on their traditional beliefs has caused difficulties and troubles in teaching due to the difficulties faced by students with learning difficulties during the implementation of the new curriculum reform, which has undermined the already unstable position of the new curriculum reform concept in the minds of teachers. The stubbornness, barbarism, and drilling of teachers have caused difficulties for students with learning difficulties in the past classroom teaching, which has led them to insist that students with learning difficulties cannot make progress in implementing the new curriculum reform. 2. The implementation of the new curriculum in classroom teaching has not been based on the actual situation of students. The impact of the new curriculum reform on teachers' inherent concepts in the past, and the backward performance of some students with learning difficulties in the past have made teachers feel annoyed. The established relationship between teachers and students in classroom teaching has been established; Master servant style; The teacher-student relationship should develop into; Student autonomy and teacher-student interaction; Teachers are indeed unwilling to have an equal and democratic classroom.

教师对新课改骤增抵触的心理,这就使教师在新课程的教学中突然显得束手无策。课堂教学中原本确立的师生关系未能及时调整,他们在课堂的教学中就会旧酒注新瓶,课堂教学更远离学生实际。这使原本就令学生厌恶的课堂变得更让学生讨厌。学困生在无可奈何之时,只有一趴了之。3、情感教育的缺失,师生之间的真实情感缺乏沟通交流由于个别学困生以往的落后令教师的生厌,导致教师对学困生的度厌恶,也因教师对学困生厌恶而产生的反作用,令学困生对教师的仇视。师生之间存在着严重的情感障碍,教师在教学中对学困生的漠视,妨碍着师生之间本可进行的真实情感的沟通、交流。电话 邮编网址电邮公司地址
The psychological resistance of teachers towards the sudden increase of new curriculum reform makes them suddenly feel helpless in teaching the new curriculum. If the originally established teacher-student relationship in classroom teaching is not adjusted in a timely manner, they will pour old wine into new bottles, and classroom teaching will be further away from the actual situation of students. This makes the classroom that was originally disliked by students even more annoying. When students with learning difficulties have no choice but to lie down. 3. The lack of emotional education and the lack of real emotional communication between teachers and students. Due to the past backwardness of some students with learning difficulties, teachers are disgusted, leading to a degree of disgust towards students with learning difficulties. This also has a negative effect on the hatred of students with learning difficulties towards teachers. There are serious emotional barriers between teachers and students, and the teacher's indifference towards students with learning difficulties in teaching hinders the genuine emotional communication and exchange that could have occurred between teachers and students. Telephone, postal code, website, email company address

买该怎样处理学生爱趴桌子上的现象? How to deal的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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