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实木餐桌椅选购知多少? How much do you know about

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实木餐桌椅选购知多少? How much do you know about详细说明

How much do you know about purchasing solid wood dining tables and chairs?

Friends who are getting married on the 11th, it's time to buy an electric dining table now! If some friends want to pursue a retro and nostalgic style, today the dining table and chair editor will recommend a type of dining table and chair for everyone;; Solid wood dining table and chairs! What we see on a daily basis are glass dining tables, marble dining tables, and rattan dining tables. In fact, every dining table material has its advantages and disadvantages! Solid wood dining tables and chairs are generally not very expensive, but people nowadays pursue fashion and don't like solid wood tables and chairs! There are also grandparents at home, and if you often visit them, you can see that the older generation is more fond of solid wood tables and chairs! In fact, among all the types of tables and chairs made of various materials, solid wood dining tables and chairs are considered environmentally friendly.

The major advantage of solid wood dining tables and chairs lies in their natural wood grain and varied natural colors. However, solid wood is prone to moisture and dust absorption into the wood grain. Therefore, it is best to place it in an environment with appropriate temperature and humidity, as far as possible from areas with strong air flow, and not near heating or exposed to sunlight. So what should we pay attention to when choosing solid wood dining tables and chairs in restaurants? The first criterion for selecting dining tables and chairs is based on the area of the dining area. If the restaurant has a large area, you can choose a rich and heavy texture that matches the space; A moderately sized dining table and chairs; If the restaurant area is limited and the number of diners is uncertain, a foldable or retractable dining table can be chosen.

其次要看风格,餐桌椅的风格好与餐厅的装修搭配得当,如果不能确定,好选择风格一致的餐桌。相对形状来说,圆形的餐桌适合面积较小的正方形餐厅,家庭的民主气氛更浓郁。长方形餐桌会显得大气,适合经常开party的家庭使用。正方形餐桌一般较小,会显得温馨很多。实木电动餐桌的选择首先要检查结构是否牢固,可用力纵向推,用手压等方式测试。选购时在一米远以外观察各个应该为同一颜色的地方,是否颜色一致,如不一致,即是色差,表面的处理应该从细部如接 头、背弯处观察,接头处是否严密,是否与正面一致。今天就先给大家介绍到这吧!想了解更多有关餐桌椅的事,就请关注我们网站吧!
Secondly, it depends on the style. The style of the dining table and chairs should be well matched with the decoration of the restaurant. If unsure, it is best to choose a dining table with a consistent style. Compared to its shape, a circular dining table is suitable for smaller square restaurants, creating a more democratic atmosphere in the family. A rectangular dining table will appear grand and suitable for families who frequently attend parties. A square dining table is generally smaller and will appear much warmer. The selection of a solid wood electric dining table first needs to check whether the structure is firm. It can be tested by forcefully pushing longitudinally or using hand pressure. When making a purchase, observe each area that should be of the same color from a distance of one meter to see if the color is consistent. If not, it is a color difference. The surface treatment should be observed from the details such as joints and back bends, whether the joints are tight, and whether they are consistent with the front. That's all for today's introduction! If you want to learn more about dining tables and chairs, please follow our website!

买实木餐桌椅选购知多少? How much do you know about的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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