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学校餐桌椅需要注意什么? What should be noted for

学校餐桌椅需要注意什么? What should be noted for

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咨询学校餐桌椅需要注意什么? What should be noted for订购热线

学校餐桌椅需要注意什么? What should be noted for配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
发货地 供货总量 尺寸 配置
是否订制 发货时间 使用场所 定制方式

学校餐桌椅需要注意什么? What should be noted for详细说明

What should be noted for school dining tables and chairs?

School is a place where there are many teenagers, which means most of them are in school. Teenagers nowadays have excellent innate nutrition and acquired quality of life, with significant improvements in both physical and psychological aspects. So the school cafeteria needs comfortable dining tables and chairs to prevent students from feeling uncomfortable while dining. I remember when I was in school, the dining table and chairs were clearly very uncomfortable. Sitting on them made me feel uncomfortable no matter how uncomfortable it was, and every time I ate, it made me feel extremely uncomfortable. Many students are unwilling to eat in the restaurant and often take them back to their dormitories to eat.

It can be seen from this that it is necessary to pay attention to the tables and chairs in the restaurant. The height and weight of students in the new era have undergone significant changes, which undoubtedly put forward new requirements for the height and width of school automatic dining tables and chairs, and must be increased to meet their physiological needs. So the design of dining tables and chairs must comply with the principles of ergonomics and keep up with the times. As early as the 1990s, the Ministry of Health issued the national standard for the hygiene of school automatic dining tables and chairs.

In 2003, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China issued the "Standard for Functional Dimensions of School Dining Tables and Chairs". According to regulations, the appearance of dining tables and chairs used in primary and secondary schools can be selected, but the main dimensions of table height, empty space height under the table, and chair surface height must comply with national standards. According to national standards, when schools pre install dining tables and chairs, the number of various sizes and models should be determined based on the proportion of height composition of students in the middle and end of the academic year. Before leaving the factory, permanent signs must be attached to the dining tables and chairs, indicating the size, model, and height range of students. The education department should guide procurement personnel to obtain assistance from school healthcare personnel and make planned purchases.

买学校餐桌椅需要注意什么? What should be noted for的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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