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实木餐桌椅使用禁忌 Taboos for using solid wood dinin

实木餐桌椅使用禁忌 Taboos for using solid wood dinin

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实木餐桌椅使用禁忌 Taboos for using solid wood dinin详细说明

Taboos for using solid wood dining tables and chairs

许多朋友都喜欢选择实木餐桌椅,因为实木天然环保,使用寿命长。实木电动餐桌表面一般都能看到木材真正的纹理,朴实和沉稳,偶有树结的表面也体现出清新自然的材质、既天然,又无化学污染,实木电动餐桌不仅时尚而且健康,是现代都市人崇尚大自然的首选电动餐桌。如果选择了实木餐桌椅就要知道在日常使用中该怎样保养。使用实木餐桌椅时的禁忌1. 千万不要放在阳光下曝晒,以防止变形。2. 胶合板制作的家居,切勿用水冲洗,以防夹板脱胶,一般污迹可用洗涤剂去除,严重的污迹可用万洁灵去除。3. 大衣柜等家居,柜不能压放重物,不然易使门框变形。4. 家居若有裂缝,应用油灰和颜料拌匀后嵌平,以缝延伸、扩大。
Many friends like to choose solid wood dining tables and chairs because solid wood is naturally environmentally friendly and has a long service life. The surface of solid wood electric dining tables generally shows the true texture of wood, which is simple and stable. The surface with occasional tree knots also reflects a fresh and natural material, which is both natural and free of chemical pollution. Solid wood electric dining tables are not only fashionable but also healthy, making them the preferred choice for modern urbanites to worship nature. If you choose solid wood dining tables and chairs, you need to know how to maintain them in daily use. Taboos when using solid wood dining tables and chairs 1 Never expose to sunlight to prevent deformation. 2. For homes made of plywood, do not rinse with water to prevent delamination of the plywood. Generally, stains can be removed with detergent, and severe stains can be removed with Wanjiling. 3. For home items such as wardrobes, heavy objects should not be placed under the cabinet, otherwise it may cause deformation of the door frame. If there are cracks in the home, mix the putty and paint evenly and then embed them flat to extend and expand the cracks.

5. 千万不要用硷水和开水洗刷,以防损坏漆面。6. 放置时应放平稳,以防损坏榫眼结构。7.家居表面万一沾上硷水或污渍,要及时用水擦净,然後打上光腊。8. 不要放在潮湿不通风的地方,否则易受潮膨胀而变坏。9. 家居内放点花椒樟脑或湮叶,可防老鼠、蛀虫及蟑螂。  选购自动餐桌椅应该注意哪些方面目前市场上供应的酒店桌椅,一般采用钢管支架和配置玻璃钢台面或者防火板为主。由于造型新颖、线条流畅,比较受消费者的欢迎。在购买时应注意以下几点1、自动餐桌椅的稳定安全性。餐桌餐椅的着地平稳性是否平稳无晃动,椅子人试坐后是否有倾覆现象。软面椅凳面的包覆部位是否饱满牢固,色泽颜色是否有差异。
5. Do not wash with alkaline or boiling water to prevent damage to the paint surface. 6. When placing, it should be placed steadily to prevent damage to the tenon structure. 7. In case of alkaline water or stains on the surface of the home, it is necessary to wipe it off with water in a timely manner and then apply wax. 8. Do not place it in a damp and poorly ventilated area, as it is prone to moisture expansion and deterioration. 9. Put some Sichuan peppercorns, camphor or leaves in your home to prevent mice, moths, and cockroaches. What should be noted when choosing automatic dining tables and chairs? Currently, hotel tables and chairs available in the market generally use steel pipe brackets and are equipped with fiberglass countertops or fire-resistant panels. Due to its innovative design and smooth lines, it is quite popular among consumers. When purchasing, the following points should be noted: 1. The stability and safety of automatic dining tables and chairs. Is the landing stability of the dining table and chairs stable without shaking, and is there any overturning phenomenon after the chair person tries to sit. Is the covering area of the soft seat full and firm, and is there any difference in color.

2、餐桌椅台面的要求。桌面的钢化玻璃台面厚度一般应大于等于12mm,玻璃钢、防火板厚度一般是25mm,台面的端边、磨边是否平直光滑无钝角、玻璃无划痕、缺角等。3、自动餐桌椅的表面饰面质量。钢制部位的表面饰面是否光滑平整,无涂层或镀层脱落,无锈迹;台面表面平整光滑,无划痕等缺陷。4、自动餐桌椅的制作质量。钢木底架或支架的焊接是否有脱焊虚焊裂缝现象,螺钉或铆钉连接部位是否松动;钢管架与台面连接是否牢固无松动。 5、餐桌椅的主要尺寸。行业标准规定餐桌的高度为680mm-760mm;餐椅的座高为400mm-440mm;软面椅座高为400mm-460mm,扶手椅扶手内宽大于等于460mm。
2. Requirements for dining table and chair countertops. The thickness of the tempered glass countertop of the desktop should generally be greater than or equal to 12mm, and the thickness of fiberglass and fireproof board is generally 25mm. The end edges and ground edges of the countertop should be straight and smooth without obtuse angles, and the glass should be free of scratches, missing corners, etc. 3. The surface finish quality of automatic dining tables and chairs. Whether the surface finish of the steel parts is smooth and flat, without coating or coating peeling off, and without rust; The surface of the countertop is flat and smooth, without defects such as scratches. 4. The production quality of automatic dining tables and chairs. Whether there is any detachment or virtual welding cracks in the welding of the steel and wood frame or bracket, and whether the connection parts of screws or rivets are loose; Check if the connection between the steel pipe rack and the countertop is firm and not loose. 5. The main dimensions of dining tables and chairs. The industry standard stipulates that the height of the dining table is 680mm-760mm; The seat height of the dining chair is 400mm-440mm; The height of the soft faced chair seat is 400mm-460mm, and the inner width of the armrest of the armchair is greater than or equal to 460mm.

买实木餐桌椅使用禁忌 Taboos for using solid wood dinin的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



上一篇:选购自动餐桌椅应该注意哪些方面 What aspects to
下一篇:挑选电动桌的6大要素 6 elements for selecting an elec

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