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食堂餐厅餐桌椅场所的布置方案 Layout plan for di

食堂餐厅餐桌椅场所的布置方案 Layout plan for di

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食堂餐厅餐桌椅场所的布置方案 Layout plan for di详细说明

Layout plan for dining tables and chairs in the cafeteria and restaurant

在给餐厅的场所进行设置时,其中布置的一些细节问题是很重要的,恰当的布置可以让食堂看起来即简单大方,又整洁卫生。上几篇小编说了好多关于选购餐桌椅的文章,这一篇小编就给大家讲一下有关食堂、餐厅的布置细节,像食堂地面材料设计、残食台、装筷子的餐盒及空调等的布置设置等,这些如果都设计合理人性的话,会让就餐的员工或者学生倍感精神的舒适与享受的,下面详细说明下1、食堂的地面 笔者走访了很多学校食堂,发现餐厅地面多用瓷砖铺成,负责人员解释说是便于清洁工作。但是笔者发现,瓷砖表面过于光滑,别是雨天,同学行走时容易打滑。
When setting up a restaurant, some details of the layout are important. Proper layout can make the cafeteria look simple, generous, and clean and hygienic. In the previous few articles, the editor talked about many articles about choosing dining tables and chairs. In this article, the editor will explain the details of the layout of the cafeteria, such as the design of cafeteria floor materials, leftover food tables, chopstick boxes, and air conditioning. If all of these are designed reasonably and humanely, it will make diners or students feel more comfortable and enjoyable. Below is a detailed explanation: 1. The floor of the cafeteria. The author visited many school cafeterias and found that the floor of the cafeteria is mostly paved with tiles. The person in charge explained that it is convenient for cleaning work. But the author found that the surface of the ceramic tiles is too smooth, especially on rainy days, making it easy for classmates to slip while walking.

有的同学刚从浴室出来鞋上会沾带很多水,或者由于种种原因餐厅地面总有很多积水,再加上刚从外面进来的同学鞋上的泥土,就会使餐厅地面看上去很脏。根据上述存在的问题笔者可进行如下设计:针对地面易打滑现象,建议改用有凹凸表面的防滑地板砖,不但避免就餐者滑倒,也有利于地面不积太多的污水。 (1)大众餐厅地面宜选用耐磨防滑的材料。 (2)食品加工场所地面以耐磨防滑、不渗水、易清洗材料铺设,并有一定的坡度。 2、残食台的位置布置 在餐厅,大部分同学会把餐具放回残食台,但是如果残食台的位置安排不合理,使同学们放回餐具还要绕远路,那么,能主动积的把餐具放回的同学可能就不多了。所以,残食台的位置应该位于大家吃完回去必定会经过的地方,比如说是楼道口之类的。 3、食堂装筷子的餐盒的设计 很多食堂装筷子的餐盒上面没有盖子,导致有灰尘通过上面附在筷子的表面,这样不仅不卫生,而且还会影响学生对食堂的总体印象。还有没有盖子很多同学直接用手到盒子里取筷子,根本不用下面的一个出口,所以很多同学对此也有很大的意见。
Some students may have a lot of water on their shoes when they first come out of the bathroom, or due to various reasons, there is always a lot of accumulated water on the restaurant floor. In addition, the mud on the shoes of students who have just come in from outside can make the restaurant floor look very dirty. Based on the existing problems mentioned above, the author can make the following design: In response to the phenomenon of slippery floors, it is recommended to use non slip floor tiles with concave and convex surfaces. This not only prevents diners from slipping, but also helps to prevent too much sewage from accumulating on the floor. (1) The flooring of public restaurants should be made of wear-resistant and non slip materials. (2) The ground of food processing facilities is laid with wear-resistant, anti slip, non permeable, and easy to clean materials, with a certain slope. 2. The location of the leftover food table is arranged in the restaurant, and most students will put the tableware back on the leftover food table. However, if the position of the leftover food table is not arranged properly, causing students to have to take a long way to put the tableware back, then there may not be many students who can actively put the tableware back on. So, the location of the leftover food table should be in a place that everyone will definitely pass by after finishing their meal, such as at the entrance of a hallway. 3. The design of the dining box for chopsticks in the cafeteria often lacks a lid on top of the dining box, resulting in dust adhering to the surface of the chopsticks. This not only is unhygienic, but also affects the overall impression of the cafeteria on students. Many students directly use their hands to pick up chopsticks from the box without using the bottom exit, so many students also have great opinions on this.

针对存在的问题,小编认为可对每一个餐盒的上设置一个盖子,装筷子的时候只需要将盖子取下来就行,这样的设计起到了多种的功能,也保证了筷子的干净卫生。另外食堂放筷子的桌椅也好放在进门口旁边,保证学生在刚进门的时候就可以拿好筷子,这样在高峰期的时候我们就不需要去着急的拿筷子,又把排队打饭区的空间增加了许多。 4、空调的位置设计 空调对于食堂无疑是很重要的,无论在冬天还是夏天。在冬天,天气都比较冷。很多同学都会选择比较暖和的餐厅去就餐。所以,餐厅的温度至关重要。但是,怎么样才能有效的调节食堂内的空气温度呢?建议将空调均匀分布在餐厅的各个地方,这样一来不仅可以更好地调节整个食堂的温度,还可以让坐在餐厅任何一个地方的人都能感觉冬暖夏凉。 总之呢,餐厅是一个人口聚集众多的地方,各方面的设计都要尽可能考虑到整体的次序规范问题,考虑到整体的通风效果,要尽量营造一个安静、温馨、清洁的就餐环境。
In response to the existing problems, the editor believes that a lid can be installed on each meal box. When loading chopsticks, simply remove the lid. This design serves multiple functions and ensures the cleanliness and hygiene of the chopsticks. In addition, the tables and chairs for placing chopsticks in the cafeteria can also be placed next to the entrance, ensuring that students can pick up their chopsticks as soon as they enter. This way, during peak hours, we don't need to rush to pick up chopsticks, and it also increases the space in the waiting area for food. 4. The location design of air conditioning is undoubtedly important for canteens, whether in winter or summer. In winter, the weather is relatively cold. Many students choose warmer restaurants for their meals. So, the temperature of the restaurant is crucial. But how can we effectively regulate the air temperature in the cafeteria? It is recommended to evenly distribute the air conditioning throughout the restaurant, so that not only can the temperature of the entire cafeteria be better regulated, but also people sitting in any part of the restaurant can feel warm in winter and cool in summer. In short, a restaurant is a place with a large population, and all aspects of design should consider the overall order and standardization issues as much as possible. Considering the overall ventilation effect, it is necessary to create a quiet, warm, and clean dining environment as much as possible.

买食堂餐厅餐桌椅场所的布置方案 Layout plan for di的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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