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学校食堂餐厅餐桌椅布置研究报告 Research report详细说明

Research report on the layout of dining tables and chairs in school cafeterias

教学设备餐桌椅公司的工作人员,对学校的食堂餐厅就餐情况作了简单的了解。结果表明,学校普遍存在排队购饭空间狭小没地方排队、餐桌与餐桌之间的距离狭窄不便通行、餐桌设计构造不合理坐姿难受等诸多现象。学校的餐桌椅大多为:四人自动餐桌椅;六人自动餐桌椅。 随着高校招生数量的不断增长,学校食堂的紧张局面突出,据了解目前各高校食堂多为承包制,高校食堂几乎垄断整个高校;市场;食堂面临着诸多问题,食堂老板为了食堂的效益,在有限的空间内增加了更多的桌椅,使得整个食堂显得很挤,造成空间的紧张局面,因此,这更需要下面就食堂桌椅布置这一问题做出详细分析。1、桌椅组合形式的人机分析自动餐桌椅的组合形式应该定位为四人桌。如果是两人桌,则会增加桌与桌之间走道的数量,而走道的宽度需要根据人体水平尺寸来定,不应当随意缩小,从而会浪费了很多空间。
The staff of the teaching equipment table and chair company had a brief understanding of the dining situation in the school cafeteria. The results indicate that there are many phenomena in schools, such as limited space for queuing to buy food, no place to queue, narrow distance between dining tables that is inconvenient for passage, unreasonable table design and structure, and uncomfortable sitting posture. Most of the dining tables and chairs in schools are: four person automatic dining tables and chairs; Six person automatic dining table and chairs. With the continuous growth of enrollment in universities, the tense situation in school canteens is prominent. It is understood that most of the canteens in universities are contracted, and university canteens almost monopolize the entire university; Market; The cafeteria is facing many problems. In order to improve the efficiency of the cafeteria, the cafeteria owner has added more tables and chairs in the limited space, making the entire cafeteria appear crowded and causing a tense situation in space. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a detailed analysis of the layout of tables and chairs in the cafeteria below. 1. The human-machine analysis of the combination form of tables and chairs. The combination form of automatic dining tables and chairs should be positioned as a four person table. If it is a table for two people, it will increase the number of aisles between the tables, and the width of the aisles needs to be determined based on the horizontal size of the human body, and should not be arbitrarily reduced, which will waste a lot of space.

四人自动餐桌椅和分体式在空间这方面明显要比情侣桌占优势,但考虑到学校的学生数量有限,到该食堂吃饭的学生数量更是有限,所以餐桌的设计不仅要考虑到大多数人的身体尺寸,还要考虑到大多数人的生活习惯,人们在就餐的时候,总是喜欢将椅子与桌子的距离调整到适合自己,出于这一因素,分体式餐桌椅更符合人机工程学原理。 2、餐桌椅间布置研究 自动餐桌与椅子之间距离的设定应该符合人机工程学原理,根据人体坐姿尺寸,椅子和桌子之间距离既要符合人体坐姿尺寸,同时也要保证两人面对面坐着吃饭时不会碰到对方的腿,其尺寸在580-730之间,如图所示。
The four person automatic dining table and split table have a clear advantage over the couple's table in terms of space. However, considering the limited number of students in the school and the limited number of students dining in the cafeteria, the design of the dining table should not only consider the body size of most people, but also the living habits of most people. When dining, people always like to adjust the distance between the chair and the table to fit themselves. For this reason, the split table and chair are more in line with the principles of ergonomics. 2. The setting of the distance between the automatic dining table and chairs should comply with the principles of ergonomics. According to the size of the human sitting posture, the distance between the chair and the table should not only conform to the size of the human sitting posture, but also ensure that two people sitting face to face will not touch each other's legs when eating. The size should be between 580-730, as shown in the figure.

学校食堂的桌椅间距离位460,这种设计不合理,但追根究底,这种不合理的原因在于食堂椅子的尺寸,由于食堂椅子尺寸偏小,导致其桌椅间距变小,虽然吃饭时不会碰到对方的腿,但坐着吃饭时很不舒服。3、总体布局研究 食堂总体布局主要体现在对桌椅的布置方面,如果对桌椅的布置安排不合理,怎会大大浪费食堂的空间,从而给食堂的效益带来负面的影响。 从人工程学的角度出发,桌椅与桌椅间的合理布局要考虑到人从桌子旁边走过不会影响到吃饭的人,而且也要考虑到走动的人不会存在一种心理:担心碰到桌边(一般食堂的桌子都很油),因此食堂桌子与桌子之间的距离应该保证大于760mm,因为大部分人在吃饭的时候喜欢把手放在桌子上,由于桌子的长度,这样胳膊肘就会漏在桌子外面,进入通行区域。而椅子与另一个椅子的距离可保持在760左右。
The distance between the tables and chairs in the school cafeteria is 460 meters. This design is unreasonable, but ultimately, the reason for this irrationality lies in the size of the cafeteria chairs. Due to the small size of the cafeteria chairs, the distance between the tables and chairs becomes smaller. Although they do not touch each other's legs while eating, sitting while eating is very uncomfortable. 3. The overall layout of the cafeteria is mainly reflected in the arrangement of tables and chairs. If the arrangement of tables and chairs is not reasonable, how can it greatly waste the cafeteria space, and thus have a negative impact on the cafeteria's efficiency. From the perspective of ergonomics, the reasonable layout between tables and chairs should take into account that walking by the table will not affect the diners, and also consider that people walking around will not have a psychological fear of touching the table edge (usually cafeteria tables are very oily). Therefore, the distance between cafeteria tables should be ensured to be greater than 760mm, because most people like to place their hands on the table while eating, and due to the length of the table, their elbows will leak outside the table and enter the passage area. The distance between the chair and the other chair can be maintained at around 760.

买学校食堂餐厅餐桌椅布置研究报告 Research report的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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