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餐桌椅面板材料介绍之防火板材介绍 Introduction

餐桌椅面板材料介绍之防火板材介绍 Introduction

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餐桌椅面板材料介绍之防火板材介绍 Introduction详细说明

Introduction to Materials for Dining Table and Chair Panel: Introduction to Fireproof Board

市场上的餐桌椅面板材料有很多,很多顾客都有点挑花眼的像防火板材,三聚氰胺板面,玻璃钢,不锈钢和玻璃等等。但是有多少人知道他们的优点呢,今天小编给大家详细的讲一下防火板材的点。 防火板材大的点就是质量要好过其他的的材质,优质的防火型的是由防火面板、环保乳胶、优质刨花板和防火底板这四个构成,好的防火板材在制造工艺上要求要用50吨的冷压机压制24小时以上,然后我们才能把它们做成我们想要的形状,后还要对边缘进行处理,处理方法使用橡胶封进行边缘处理。
There are many materials for dining table and chair panels in the market, and many customers are somewhat picky, such as fire-resistant panels, melamine panels, fiberglass, stainless steel, and glass, etc. But how many people know their advantages? Today, the editor will explain in detail the points of fireproof boards. The big advantage of fire-resistant panels is that their quality is better than other materials. High quality fire-resistant panels are composed of fire-resistant panels, environmentally friendly latex, high-quality particle board, and fire-resistant bottom plates. Good fire-resistant panels require a 50 ton cold press to be pressed for more than 24 hours in the manufacturing process before we can make them into the shape we want, and then we need to treat the edges using rubber seals for edge treatment.

其他的比如还有耐烫,耐清洗,耐摩擦,保持颜色鲜艳如初等优良点。 经过上面的讲解希望大家对防火板材有所了解,这样才能够在选择上有更多选择余地,比如教育设备就有这样的几款餐桌椅,欢迎大家去挑选。 以上是由自动餐桌椅厂家为你提供,联系电话18219213598,专业定制,四人自动餐桌椅,六人自动餐桌椅,八人自动餐桌椅批发。在前几天的时候我们专门给大家讲解了电动桌的组成部分是什么,今天给大家详细的讲解下电动桌面板选择的时候我们选择什么样的合适。
Other advantages include heat resistance, cleaning resistance, friction resistance, and maintaining a bright color like a primary advantage. After the above explanation, I hope everyone has a better understanding of fire-resistant panels, so that they can have more choices. For example, there are several dining tables and chairs for educational equipment. Welcome everyone to choose. The above is provided by the manufacturer of automatic dining tables and chairs, contact number 18219213598, professional customization, wholesale of four person automatic dining tables and chairs, six person automatic dining tables and chairs, and eight person automatic dining tables and chairs. A few days ago, we specifically explained to you the components of an electric desk. Today, we will give you a detailed explanation of what is suitable for choosing an electric desktop board.

Electric tabletop panels are commonly made of three materials: multi-layer plywood, molded board, and blockboard. Below is a comparison of electric desktop boards: Through the table above, we can clearly see the advantages of these three types of panels. The Education Equipment editor hopes that this article can help you choose the electric desk that suits you.

买餐桌椅面板材料介绍之防火板材介绍 Introduction的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



上一篇:快餐厅餐桌椅防护大全 Complete set of table and chai
下一篇:电动桌面板材料详解 Detailed explanation of materials

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