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不锈钢餐桌椅挑选的要点 Key points for selecting st

不锈钢餐桌椅挑选的要点 Key points for selecting st

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不锈钢餐桌椅挑选的要点 Key points for selecting st详细说明

Key points for selecting stainless steel dining tables and chairs

不锈钢餐桌椅因为不生锈、不腐蚀、易清洁等点而备受青睐,尤其是学校以及员工食堂。但是市场上鱼龙混杂,也有很多的不锈钢餐桌椅以次充好,这就需要我们仔细的进行挑选了。挑选的要点如下::看尺寸不锈钢餐桌椅和普通的酒店桌椅尺寸大体差不多,但是严格按客户的要求制作。  第二:看材质型号对于广大的消费者来讲,不可能认得不锈钢全部的材质和型号,那就要记住一般来说市场上通用的不锈钢餐桌椅都是201#号不锈钢的。严格点的医学上用的都是304#号不锈钢餐桌椅,比如医疗器械都是用304#号不锈钢制作的,价格比较昂贵。 
Stainless steel dining tables and chairs are highly favored due to their non rusting, non corrosive, and easy to clean properties, especially in schools and staff canteens. But there is a mix of good and bad in the market, and there are also many stainless steel dining tables and chairs that are substandard, which requires us to carefully choose. The key points for selection are as follows: stainless steel dining tables and chairs are roughly the same size as regular hotel tables and chairs, but are strictly made according to customer requirements. Secondly, for consumers, it is impossible to recognize all the materials and models of stainless steel. Therefore, it is important to remember that generally, stainless steel dining tables and chairs in the market are made of 201 # stainless steel. Strictly speaking, in medicine, 304 # stainless steel dining tables and chairs are used. For example, medical equipment is made of 304 # stainless steel, which is relatively expensive.

Thirdly, check the quality of the stainless steel dining table and chairs. In the production process, the formed stainless steel plates are cut and sawed, decorated and edge sealed, and assembled into components. The quality of appearance production mainly depends on its cutting and sawing quality, edge and surface decoration quality, and panel port quality. In the process of sawing, there are quality requirements for the flatness, verticality, and angle of the panel components. Generally speaking, the sawing technology of the panel meets the accuracy requirements within 0.01 millimeters per meter. After sawing, the edge profile of the panel is flat and the angle is good. After making an electric dining table, there will be no tilting of the panel. Children's dining tables and chairs are products designed and produced specifically for young children. It is not as tall as an adult chair, and it has more protective measures than an adult chair, allowing parents to rest assured that their baby can eat without worrying about falling or getting injured.

There are also some brands in the market that specialize in the children's dining table and chair market area. So, which one is better for children's dining table and chair? Isn't it difficult for you? Don't worry, in this issue, the editor will introduce you to some good children's dining tables and chairs. Solid wood is a high standard for home furnishings, and parents are also eager to obtain solid wood children's dining tables and chairs. This all solid wood dining table and chair also applies ergonomic design principles, ensuring that children's growth is not affected by sitting posture while eating. Also, the dining table and chairs made of solid wood material reduce your concern about your child's health. The material color is relatively elegant, and there is not much color for children, but choosing solid wood materials for children's dining tables and chairs is important for whether solid wood children's dining tables and chairs are painted or not!

买不锈钢餐桌椅挑选的要点 Key points for selecting st的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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