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哪有卖不锈钢、玻璃钢自动餐桌椅的 Where do you

哪有卖不锈钢、玻璃钢自动餐桌椅的 Where do you

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哪有卖不锈钢、玻璃钢自动餐桌椅的 Where do you详细说明

Where do you sell stainless steel and fiberglass automatic dining tables and chairs

不锈钢、玻璃钢自动餐桌椅厂家,专业设计、制造各种玻璃钢、不锈钢餐桌椅。工艺全部采用国家先进工艺,主材及设计一切从产品的稳定性和结实行出发,为客户提供好的产品服务,优质的产品质量。  工艺先进,无毒,无味,无污染的绿色环保产品,.经久耐用,维修方便,方便清洁; 桌凳架钢制件表面作防腐处理后喷塑,克服了铸铁架表面粗糙易生锈的缺陷,无论中纤板贴防火板或玻钢的桌面,还是工程塑料或玻钢凳面,都光滑耐磨,圆滑美观,清洁方便;包装: 简易包装或按客户要求包装; 售后服务承诺1、我公司提供的产品保修五年,工程塑料件五年包换,终身维护。 2、产品在保修期内,因产品质量问题发生的全部维修费用均由我公司承担。在接到用户维修通知之日起,1小时内做出回复,24小时内工程技术人员赶赴现场进行维修处理。(省外48小时)  3、免费上门进行实地测量,并提供设计、预算等方案。
We are a manufacturer of stainless steel and fiberglass automatic dining tables and chairs, specializing in the design and manufacturing of various fiberglass and stainless steel dining tables and chairs. All processes adopt advanced national techniques, and the main materials and designs are based on the stability and implementation of the products, providing customers with good product services and high-quality product quality. Advanced technology, non-toxic, odorless, and pollution-free green and environmentally friendly products. Durable, easy to maintain, and easy to clean; After anti-corrosion treatment, the surface of the steel parts of the table and stool frame is sprayed with plastic, overcoming the defects of rough and easy rusting on the surface of the cast iron frame. Whether it is a tabletop with fire-resistant fiberboard or fiberglass, or an engineering plastic or fiberglass stool surface, it is smooth and wear-resistant, smooth and beautiful, and easy to clean; Packaging: Simple packaging or packaging according to customer requirements; After sales service commitment 1. Our company provides a five-year warranty for the products, a five-year replacement warranty for engineering plastic parts, and lifelong maintenance. 2. During the warranty period, all repair costs incurred due to product quality issues shall be borne by our company. From the date of receiving the user's repair notice, respond within 1 hour, and the engineering and technical personnel rush to the site for repair and handling within 24 hours. (48 hours outside the province) 3. Free on-site measurement and provide design, budget, and other plans.

4)保修期过后,如产品有意外损坏,我公司对故障响应时间不超过24小时,同时仅收取相应的材料成本费用。 下面简单介绍公司的几款产品:产品参数:名称:八人不锈钢条凳自动餐桌编号:JL--CZ56品牌: 材质:玻璃钢款式:连体 形状:长方形适用人数:8人适用场所:食堂是否可定制:是 是否带椅凳:是产品参数:名称:六人立折叠椅自动餐桌编号:JL--CZ40品牌: 材质:不锈钢款式:连体 形状:长方形适用人数:6人适用场所:食堂是否可定制:
4) After the warranty period, if the product is accidentally damaged, our company will not respond to the fault for more than 24 hours, and only charge the corresponding material cost. Here is a brief introduction to the company's several products: Product parameters: Name: Eight person stainless steel bench automatic dining table Number: JL-CZ56 Brand: Material: Fiberglass Style: Joined shape: Rectangular Suitable for 8 people Applicable place: Can the cafeteria be customized Yes, with chairs and stools Yes Product parameters: Name: Six person standing folding chair Automatic dining table Number: JL-CZ40 Brand: Material: Stainless steel Style: Joined shape: Rectangular Suitable for 6 people Applicable place: Can the cafeteria be customized Yes:

是否带椅凳:是订购电话:餐桌椅厂家,专业定制自动餐桌椅,职工餐桌椅批发 相关参考链接文章:哪里有卖酒店桌椅?哪里有卖肯德基酒店桌椅?哪里有卖二人酒店桌椅?哪里有卖四人酒店桌椅?哪里有卖二人自动餐桌椅?
Does it come with chairs and chairs? Yes, ordering phone number: Dining table and chair manufacturer, specializing in customized automatic dining tables and chairs, wholesale of staff dining tables and chairs. Reference link: Where can I find hotel tables and chairs? Where can I sell tables and chairs at KFC hotels? Where can I sell hotel tables and chairs for two people? Where can I find tables and chairs for a four person hotel? Where can I sell two person automatic dining tables and chairs?

买哪有卖不锈钢、玻璃钢自动餐桌椅的 Where do you的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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