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实木大电动圆桌的检查方法Inspection method for sol

实木大电动圆桌的检查方法Inspection method for sol

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实木大电动圆桌的检查方法Inspection method for sol详细说明

实木大电动圆桌的检查方法Inspection method for solid wood large electric round table

这就要引起大家的注意了,以前80年代大电动圆桌市场还有用水泥灌进家具里面来冒充实木家具。佛山大电动圆桌定制厂家给大家分享一下如何辨真伪实木大电动圆桌,  如何验证是否是实木制作的办公家具  既然是实木家具,就要看下有没木纹和疤结、以及天然的纹理。
I often hear people say that the furniture they buy is made of solid wood, but when they bring it back for testing, it's actually not made of solid wood, but made of some solid wood veneer.
This should draw everyone's attention. In the 1980s, the large electric round table market used cement to be poured into furniture to impersonate solid wood furniture. Foshan Electric Roundtable Customization Factory will share with you how to distinguish genuine and fake solid wood electric roundtables, and how to verify whether it is made of solid wood. Since it is solid wood furniture, it is necessary to check whether there are wood grains, scars, and natural textures.
For example, a wardrobe door will have a corresponding pattern on both sides. If the wood grain connection structure is good, it must be pure solid wood.

同样,纯实木板疤痕所在的方面也会出现相对应的疤痕。但遇到门板加厚或者双层的情况,就不能用该方法辨别。  如何辨别实木树种  同样是实木大电动圆桌,但是各类树种的价格也存在很大的差距。
Similarly, there will also be corresponding scars in the area where the scars on pure solid wooden boards are located. But when encountering situations where the door panel is thickened or double layered, this method cannot be used to distinguish. How to distinguish solid wood species is also a large electric round table for solid wood, but there is also a significant difference in the prices of various tree species.
Generally speaking, ordinary solid wood electric round tables are usually made of materials such as white oak, ash, elm, rubber, and beech. Customers with relatively high requirements will choose precious tree species such as rosewood, chicken wing wood, and rosewood. It is difficult for consumers to judge the differences between various tree species with their naked eyes. A simple method is to ask a shopping guide or look at the product label to understand the tree species, and then compare the prices.

别留意实木办公家具含水率和产地  我国的南北气候差异对木材含水率的影响很大,一般选购家具的含水率不得超过该地区平均湿度的1%,否则木材会由于空气的热胀冷缩,造成家具开裂、翘曲,甚至散架的问题。其实只要我们认真一点、稍微留意一下,就能很容易的辨别出是不是实木大电动圆桌,不至于被骗。
Don't pay attention to the moisture content of solid wood office furniture and the climate difference between the north and south of China where it is produced have a great impact on the moisture content of wood. Generally, the moisture content of selected furniture should not exceed 1% of the average humidity of the region, or the wood will crack, warp, or even fall apart due to thermal expansion of the air. In fact, as long as we take it seriously and pay a little attention, we can easily distinguish whether it is a solid wood large electric round table, so as not to be deceived.

买实木大电动圆桌的检查方法Inspection method for sol的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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