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Future Development Trends and Changes of Customized Electric Dining Table Manufacturers in Hotels - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd

Future development trends of hotel electric dining table customization manufacturers: With the development of the times and changes in people's lifestyles, the future development trends of hotel electric dining table customization manufacturers will have significant changes.
1.艺术品家具(观赏家具)在公共区域的00性。 所谓艺术品家具是指在使用中,更多的是起到装饰功能、以满足在室内环境中人们的审美需求的那类家具。这类家具的实用性弱化,而审美性则相应加强。有时,一  件或一组家具放在酒店空间里,能够形成丰富的景观效果。如北京嘉里中心电梯厅里放置的两组造型优美的高背沙发,它起的作用就是美化空间,人们往往会望着  它、欣赏它而不忍心去坐它,只是体会着它所创造的韵律和现代艺术美。
1. Artwork furniture (ornamental furniture) has a 00 degree presence in public areas. The so-called art furniture refers to the type of furniture that, in use, serves more of a decorative function to meet the aesthetic needs of people in indoor environments. The practicality of this type of furniture is weakened, while its aesthetic value is correspondingly strengthened. Sometimes, a piece or group of furniture placed in a hotel space can create a rich landscape effect. The two sets of beautifully designed high back sofas placed in the elevator hall of Beijing Kerry Center serve to beautify the space. People often look at and appreciate them instead of sitting on them, only experiencing the rhythm and modern artistic beauty they create.

2.民族文化传统成为滋养家具设计的沃土。  专业酒店设计师应对生活有深刻的理解,对各国各民族文化有深入的了解,吸取好的营养,创造新的作品。如我国的明式家具,以简练、挺拔、富于力度的优美造型,成为世界家具大家族中一块耀眼的瑰宝。类似这样的民族家具很多,它们是富有滋养的家具设计的沃土。
2. National cultural traditions have become fertile ground for nourishing furniture design. Professional hotel designers should have a profound understanding of life, have a deep understanding of various countries and ethnic cultures, absorb good nutrition, and create new works. Ming style furniture in China, with its concise, upright, and dynamic beautiful design, has become a dazzling treasure in the world furniture family. There are many ethnic furniture like this, which are fertile ground for nourishing furniture design.
3.科学技术的进步和发展为家具设计提供了坚实的基础。  随着科技的进步,家具设计师对新的科学技术、新的构造、新的工艺的进一步发现和运用,酒店电动餐桌定制成家设计的新途径也日益增多,比如,针对人们普遍关心的生态问题进行的设计,运用新的科学技术在家具布艺里加入负氧离子的生态家具。
The progress and development of science and technology have provided a solid foundation for furniture design. With the advancement of technology, furniture designers have further discovered and applied new scientific and technological advancements, new structures, and new processes. There are also increasing new ways to customize hotel electric dining tables for home design, such as designing for ecological issues that people are generally concerned about, and using new scientific and technological advancements to add negative oxygen ions to furniture fabrics for ecological furniture.

4.各种新材料的运用。  设计师要有足够的经验和知识来实现尺寸、面料、材质的佳结合,使家具达到至高的舒适度(如酒店内的床、沙发、座椅等)。产品的舒适感是位的。而材料  选择则是步。选择好材料后,要考虑的是怎样使用。材料搭配相当关键。因为不同的市场有不同的需求和喜好。比如,德国人喜欢沙发硬一点,而意大利人则偏
4. Application of various new materials. Designers should have sufficient experience and knowledge to achieve a perfect combination of size, fabric, and material to achieve the highest level of comfort in furniture (such as beds, sofas, seats, etc. in hotels). The comfort of the product is paramount. And material selection is a step. After selecting the materials, it is important to consider how to use them. The material combination is quite crucial. Because different markets have different needs and preferences. For example, Germans prefer sofas to be harder, while Italians tend to lean towards them
爱柔软的感觉。所以,即使是面料相同的沙发,其内在的材质也会有所不同。随着生态设计的出现,人们也越来越重视材料的环保性,设计师在其设计中,也日益注  重人文性的体现。  单纯的满足功能需求的制作只能是产品,只有加入艺术成分,才能拥有长久的生命力。旧样式的家具适当加入时装因素(或美术因素),改变一下生产方式,就是新
Love the soft feeling. So, even sofas with the same fabric will have different internal materials. With the emergence of ecological design, people are increasingly paying attention to the environmental protection of materials, and designers are also increasingly emphasizing the embodiment of humanity in their designs. Simply satisfying functional requirements can only be a product, and only by incorporating artistic elements can it have long-term vitality. Adding fashion factors (or art factors) appropriately to old style furniture and changing the production method, it is new

的作品。同时,设计师要有前瞻性,要做到作品5-10年内不落伍,如今年的意大利米兰国际家具展中,某些著名的品牌家具展出的虽是几年前的研究和设计,却  仍然足够的时尚和富有魅力。  因而,酒店电动餐桌定制厂家设计无论从实用性的角度考虑,还是从艺术性的角度考虑,或者是从设计的方法上考虑,终都要表现出出色的层次感与角度感,要大限度地与其他室内环境设计交叉与融合,始终表现出统一与变化和整体上的和。
Your work. At the same time, designers need to have foresight and ensure that their works do not fall behind within 5-10 years. For example, at this year's Milan International Furniture Exhibition in Italy, some famous brand furniture exhibited fashion and charm despite research and design from a few years ago. Therefore, regardless of considering practicality, artistry, or design methods, the customized design of hotel electric dining tables by manufacturers should always demonstrate an excellent sense of hierarchy and angle, and should maximize the intersection and integration with other indoor environmental designs, always showing unity and change, and overall harmony.
5、新古典主义风格的家具将成为主流  在未来的几年中中国的酒店电动餐桌定制厂家产品中,新古典主义风格的家具将成为主流。  何为新古典主义?让我们先来举个例子:原先的美式餐桌体积庞大,适合10人左右同时进餐,可如今的居室面积普遍较小,怎么办?于是,在整体造形和雕花风格
5. Neoclassical style furniture will become mainstream in the products of customized hotel electric dining tables manufacturers in China in the coming years, and neoclassical style furniture will become mainstream. What is Neoclassicism? Let's give an example first: the original American dining table was large and suitable for about 10 people to eat at the same time, but now the living area is generally small. What should we do? So, in terms of overall shaping and carving style


联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区





