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广东酒店家具哪家好? Which hotel is good for furnit

广东酒店家具哪家好? Which hotel is good for furnit

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广东酒店家具哪家好? Which hotel is good for furnit详细说明

Which hotel is good for furniture in Guangdong?

广东酒店家具哪家好?现在有很多酒店在酒店家具的选择上都选用定制的方式,逐渐摒弃了以前那种单纯靠采购酒店家具的模式,找广东鸿业酒店家具厂家。酒店工程项目设计时与室内环境时行的配套设计,需要直接考虑室内功能和环境的融洽,另外,根据星级要求标准不同,风格要求不同而不同,酒店家具一般包括酒店客房家具,酒店客厅家具,酒店餐厅家具,公共区域酒店家具,会议酒店家具等。  酒店客房酒店家具又分标准套房酒店家具,商务套房酒店家具,总统套房酒店家具,这里着重讨论酒店家具中占比例较重的酒店客房酒店家具。一般来说,酒店客房酒店家具的功能要求和酒店家具构成基本类似,相对来说,一般由以下酒店家具构成: 酒店套床,梳妆台,床头柜,行李柜,电视柜,休闲椅,荼几台面,等构成。衣柜一般由装修公司现场施工完成。  在广东酒店家具中很多选择家具定制,这样有什么好处呢?定制酒店家具的优点:
Which hotel is good for furniture in Guangdong? Nowadays, many hotels choose to customize their hotel furniture choices, gradually abandoning the previous model of solely relying on purchasing hotel furniture and looking for furniture manufacturers from Guangdong Hongye Hotel. When designing hotel engineering projects, it is necessary to directly consider the harmony between indoor functions and the environment when designing supporting facilities. In addition, according to different star rating requirements and style requirements, hotel furniture generally includes hotel room furniture, hotel living room furniture, hotel restaurant furniture, public area hotel furniture, conference hotel furniture, etc. Hotel room hotel furniture is divided into standard suite hotel furniture, business suite hotel furniture, and presidential suite hotel furniture. Here, we focus on discussing the hotel room hotel furniture that accounts for a relatively heavy proportion of hotel furniture. Generally speaking, the functional requirements of hotel room furniture are similar to the composition of hotel furniture. Relatively speaking, it is generally composed of the following hotel furniture: hotel bed, dressing table, bedside table, luggage cabinet, TV cabinet, leisure chair, coffee table, etc. Wardrobes are generally completed on-site by decoration companies. Many hotels in Guangdong choose furniture customization. What are the benefits of this? The advantages of customizing hotel furniture:

1、能满足不同消费者对酒店家具的不同个性需求。  在传统营销模式中,酒店家具厂家往往根据简单的市场调查,跟随当今酒店家具潮流进行酒店家具研发生产。但这种模式生产出来的酒店家具不是尽寸不符合要求,就是款式不能满足个人偏好。而定制营销将市场细分到个人,根据个人要求设计酒店家具,消费者就是酒店家具的设计者之一。可根据个人爱好提出一些定要求,如颜色搭配,个性化规格等等。  2、能减少库存积压。  在传统营销模式中,酒店家具厂家为了追求利润较大化,通过大规模生产来降低产品成本,一旦市场遭遇稍微不测,这种大规模生产的酒店家具由于雷同必然导致滞销或积压,造成资源浪费。而定制营销是根据消费者定单生产,几乎没有库存,加速了资金周转。
1. Can meet the different personalized needs of different consumers for hotel furniture. In traditional marketing models, hotel furniture manufacturers often follow the current trend of hotel furniture research and development based on simple market research. But the hotel furniture produced by this model either does not meet the requirements in every size or the style does not meet personal preferences. Customized marketing segments the market into individuals, designing hotel furniture according to individual requirements, and consumers are one of the designers of hotel furniture. You can make some specific requirements based on your personal preferences, such as color matching, personalized specifications, and so on. 2. Can reduce inventory backlog. In the traditional marketing model, hotel furniture manufacturers, in order to pursue greater profits, reduce product costs through large-scale production. Once the market encounters a slight unexpected situation, this large-scale production of hotel furniture will inevitably lead to unsold or backlog due to similarity, resulting in resource waste. Customized marketing is based on consumer orders, with almost no inventory, accelerating capital turnover.

3、降低营销成本。  在传统营销模式中,酒店家具厂家为了占领市场,往往通过广告宣传、建专卖店营业推广等方式来拉动销售,因而成本较高。而定制营销只要酒店家具质量可靠、价格合理,酒店家具就可以顺利销售出去。在定制营销中厂家直接面对消费者减少了销售环节,也减少了各种开支。  4、有利于加速产品开发。  在传统营销模式中,很多酒店家具厂家的设计师闭门造车,只是根据简单的市场调查进行产品开发,设计出来的酒店家具局限性很大,很难满足大众需求。而在酒店家具定制厂家营销中,设计师有很多机会与消费者面对面沟通,很容易知道消费者的要求,进而能开发接近消费者需求的产品。  广东酒店家
3. Reduce marketing costs. In traditional marketing models, hotel furniture manufacturers often use advertising and building specialty stores to boost sales in order to capture the market, resulting in higher costs. As long as the quality of hotel furniture is reliable and the price is reasonable, customized marketing can smoothly sell hotel furniture. In customized marketing, manufacturers directly face consumers and reduce sales processes, as well as various expenses. 4. Beneficial for accelerating product development. In traditional marketing models, many designers from hotel furniture manufacturers work behind closed doors and only develop products based on simple market research. The hotel furniture they design has significant limitations and is difficult to meet the needs of the public. In the marketing of hotel furniture customization manufacturers, designers have many opportunities to communicate face-to-face with consumers, making it easy to understand their requirements and develop products that are close to their needs. Guangdong Hotel Home

买广东酒店家具哪家好? Which hotel is good for furnit的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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