家用小蛮腰尺寸1.6米 电动餐桌价格多功能电磁炉详细说明
What should be nod when customizing hol furniture? This is a concern for many enrprises. Customizing hol furniture is not as simple as imagined. Blindly pursuing fashion, saving money, ignoring the use of hol space and guests' different living habits can shatr their original dreams. Below, Lanhui Furniture Factory will share with you the factors that need to be paid atntion to when customizing hol furniture.
1、 In the actual furniture customization process that focuses on design schemes, design schemes ofn encounr many customers who roughly confirm the schemes. As a result, various unsatisfactory aspects are discovered during the final installation process, but the direct consequence of being hasty is to bear a lot of responsibility. Therefore, in the process of customizing hol furniture, it is necessary to focus on the design scheme as the research object. Make correspon adjustments to the specific requirements of the actual space in order to make reasonable and limid use of the space. 2、 Practical rationality focuses on the rationality of furniture use.

Hol furniture should consider supporting, practical, and aesthetically pleasing features, rather than blindly emphasizing individuality, and should focus on rationality. Customizing furniture that belongs to the hol accor to needs, many friends make furniture accor to the style of the inrnet, and placing it in the designad hol space is very crowded. This is all because consumers are neither professional nor confident.
In fact, this is not necessary at all. More and more hol furniture manufacturers are commitd to product research and development, and each customer is equipped with a professional hol furniture designer. They can design more reasonable and suitable hol furniture products accor to their own needs. 3、 Reasonably utilizing effective space to avoid unnecessary was should be viewed from a dialectical perspective. Customized hol furniture can greatly achieve the goal of saving space, but it does not mean that the more you make, the higher the utilization ra. In the absence of furniture, many unnecessary places can be filled, which not only increases the cost of furniture but also increases the difficulty of installation. Moreover, such places may not be able to be used in future use. This is was. Try not to do well.

4、 Appearance quality: The first requirement for appearance quality is for furniture counrtops to be smooth, with fine workmanship, exquisi decoration, and clear and beautiful xture. Guestroom furniture usually uses particle board, medium density fiberboard, blockboard, laminad board, etc. as the base marial, and thin wood, veneer, plywood as the covering marial. Different substras and clad marials have different marial properties. Failure to pay atntion to the marial properties and correct usage ofn leads to warping of the panel. 5、 The structural strength of most room furniture is closely relad to the reasonable marial structure of the furniture company and the workshop process arrangement. Afr opening the cabinet door, smell it with your nose. If you rush your nose, feel dizzy, or shed ars, it indicas that the formaldehyde connt in the adhesive is too high, which can be harmful to the human body.