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旋转圆桌升降机芯定做 新中式电动大圆桌机芯定

旋转圆桌升降机芯定做	新中式电动大圆桌机芯定

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旋转圆桌升降机芯定做 新中式电动大圆桌机芯定配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
发货地 供货总量 尺寸 配置
是否订制 发货时间 使用场所 定制方式

旋转圆桌升降机芯定做 新中式电动大圆桌机芯定详细说明

Most restaurants focus on the dining environment, so the tables and chairs not only need to maintain practical value, but also maintain a beautiful appearance. This is also the root cause of regular maintenance. Regular maintenance, also known as waxing, not only locks in moisture inside the dining table and chairs, isolates external environmental disturbances, prevents deformation, but also maintains a shiny appearance.
Next, we will introduce the detailed steps of waxing dining tables and chairs. Pre treatment before waxing includes two major steps: dust removal and cleaning.
(1) Dust removal: Before waxing the tables and chairs in solid wood restaurants, the first step is to do a good job of dust removal. Use a dry cotton cloth for dust removal tools, and never use sponges or rough cleaning tools to avoid friction on the surface of dining tables and chairs, as well as to avoid electrostatic adsorption that may cause dust removal to fail.
(2) Cleaning: After dust removal, further cleaning is carried out, which aims to clean the dirt on the surface of the dining table and chairs, as well as the wax layer left by previous waxing. Therefore, warm water and professional cleaning agents are required during the cleaning process. After completion, the table and chairs can be officially waxed after being dried.
In fact, all wooden furniture needs to be waxed regularly during use, usually once a year, and the timing of waxing is often chosen during seasonal changes, such as the turn of spring and summer, which is particularly suitable. This is no exception. And waxing requires attention not only to the frequency and time of waxing, but also to the wax oil itself. There are some polishing waxes on the market that contain silicone resin. I would like to remind you not to choose this type of maintenance wax. Silicone resin not only softens the surface finish, but also clogs wood pores, causing irreparable damage to dining tables and chairs. Okay, after introducing the precautions, let's take a look at the specific maintenance methods for electric dining table and pot equipment company chairs

买旋转圆桌升降机芯定做 新中式电动大圆桌机芯定的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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