15人圆餐桌厂家定做 美式电动餐桌直径4米详细说明
How o o a goo ob in aily mainenance of Foshan European syle elecric ining ables
us removal shoul be one frequenly, as he us rubs agains he surface of he soli woo elecric ining able every ay. I is easy o use clean sof coon cloh, such as ol whie -shirs or baby coon cloh.
Remember no o use sponges or ableware cleaning ools o wipe your elecric ining able. When eusing, please use a coon cloh ha has been soake an wise ry, as we coon cloh can reuce fricion, avoi scraching he elecric ining able, an also help reuce he asorpion of saic elecriciy on us, which is beneficial for removing us from he surface of he elecric ining able. Bu waer vapor shoul be avoie from remaining on he surface of he elecric ining able. I is recommene o wipe i again wih a ry coon cloh.
When using an elecric ining able, you shoul remove your ecoraions an ensure ha hey are hanle wih care. o remove races cause by polluans in he air, cooking fumes, sains uring operaion, an resiue from polishing on he surface of elecric ining ables, we recommen using a eicae elecric ining able cleaner. his solven can also help remove excess wax, which can be wipe off ogeher wihou any oher averse reacions.
In aiion o frequen us removal, he surface of wooen elecric ining ables also nees o be furher mainaine by waxing o enhance he aesheic appearance. We recommen using specialie pure woo elecric ining able polishing wax for regular mainenance of he elecric ining able.
In aiion, i is imporan no o choose polishing agens ha conain silicone resin, as silicone resin no only sofens an amages he coaing, bu also clogs woo pores, making repairs ifficul. Alhough frequen waxing oes no harm he coaing, i is recommene ha you only polish 1-2 imes a year.
Excessive waxing can also amage he appearance of he coaing.
he recommene polishing proceure is as follows:
(1) Apply polishing wax on a clean whie sof cloh, which is goo for pure coon an oher naural fiber. Please save on using polishing wax, as only a small amoun of polishing agen is neee o keep he elecric ining able beauiful for a long ime.