实木电动桌子价格 4米电动餐桌支架12等分详细说明
he new Chinese syle elecric able roun able symbolies beauy an warmh
A resauran is a place for families o gaher for meals an exchange emoions, so he choice of a new Chinese elecric ining able is paricularly imporan for a family.
Compare o he sanar square ining able, he circular ining able appears more frienly an warm, an he roun able no only conforms o he ieary habis of Chinese people siing aroun families, bu also conains he meaning of reunion, an represens he harmonious an harmonious oulook of he Chinese people on life.
he new Chinese elecric ining able syle symbolies auspiciousness wih a circular symbol, which means ha no circle can form a Chinese syle. he circular symbol has a perfec meaning. Exacly in line wih he eep aspiraions of he Chinese people.16人、20人位电动大圆桌带电磁炉火锅转盘圆桌

16 an 20 person elecric large roun able wih inucion cooker, ho po roary able, roun able
Lanhui Furniure, a cusomie manufacurer of elecric ho po ables, provies you wih cusomie services for he 2023 new 16 person an 20 person elecric large roun able wih elecromagneic sove, ho po roary able, roun able, picure sie, price, an explanaion.
Prouc Maerial:‘

eskop: High qualiy marble ableop, beauiful an generous, wih layers, smooh an smooh surface, easy o mainain an clean, high harness, wear resisance, an goo hea resisance
Base: I can be mae of wooen, iron, or sainless seel boxes, wih novel an simple syles
产品规格: 14-15位人直径2.6m、5-16人位直径2.8m、17-18人位直径3.0m、19-20人位直径3.2m、20-21人 位直径3.4m、21-22人直径3.6m

Prouc specificaions: 2.6m iameer for 14-15 people, 2.8m iameer for 5-16 people, 3.0m iameer for 17-18 people, 3.2m iameer for 19-20 people, 3.4m iameer for 20-21 people, 3.6m iameer for 21-22 people
Color: he pain aops impore China Resources pain, which is environmenally frienly an oorless; Cusomiable colors, cusomie accoring o images or se color exures. Large color palees are insalle in he facory, wih over a hunre colors o choose from
Prouc Price: We nee o provie a quoaion base on he selece maerials, maerials, an imensions for cusomiaion. Please call us for specific inquiries, an we have professional personnel o provie one-on-one answers.