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Foshan elecric ining able cusomiaion | How o isinguish wheher i is a soli woo elecric ining able cusomiaion
Wih he subivision of shopping ceners, people are increasingly paying aenion o he qualiy of cusomie home proucs for soli woo elecric ining ables. he auience's eman for personaliaion is becoming sronger, making soli woo cusomie home proucs become mainsream shopping malls again an will be subec o long-erm manipulaion in he near fuure. o some exen, changes in consumer eman srucure can help change he marke, an he concep of soli woo furniure has enere consumers' vision an has increasingly become a new ren in he elecric ining able cusomiaion inusry.
he cusomie elecric ining able mae of soli woo will combine wih he wooen proucs require for home ecoraion o provie consumers an cusomers wih a complee se of soli woo home ecoraion proucs, incluing wooen oors, log wall panels, log ceilings, log sairs, log cabines, log elecric ining ables, log wine cellars, ec. Soli woo home ecoraion proucs.
As is well known, soli woo cusomie houses can reain value an provie a warm "woo" for he housing environmen. Is avanages are naural: naural exures, variable shapes (such as curve surfaces, sculpe shapes); ue o he lack of glue, is environmenal performance is higher han ha of fla elecric ining ables.
Is efecs are reflece in he proucion of loa-bearing pars for elecric ining ables. If hey are mae ino hin shees, such as sie panels, frames, ec., soli woo cusomie houses can be ivie ino pure soli woo cusomie elecric ining ables an imiaion soli woo cusomie elecric ining ables. Boh use soli woo as he maerial, bu he share is ifferen.
he so-calle pure soli woo cusomie elecric ining able means ha all maerials use in he elecric ining able are soli woo, which has high requiremens for crafsmanship an raw maerials.
Soli woo has very sric requiremens for maerial selecion, rying, finger oins, an oins. If no process is sricly conrolle, small processes may crack, oins may loosen, an he enire elecric ining able may eform, making i unusable.