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电动餐桌用电动机 火锅桌价格酒店电动桌椅

电动餐桌用电动机	火锅桌价格酒店电动桌椅

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电动餐桌用电动机 火锅桌价格酒店电动桌椅配置参数

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电动餐桌用电动机 火锅桌价格酒店电动桌椅详细说明

How to Use Environmentally Friendly Warborne Paint in Hol Furniture Solid Wood Electric Dining Table and Table Factory - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
With the increasing demand for customized solid wood electric dining tables and side tables in hol furniture, and the promulgation and implementation of increasingly strict national environmental laws and regulations, the requirements for painting are also increasing. Coatings should not only ensure good corrosion resistance, decoration, and construction performance, but also use good marials and processes to reduce the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In recent years, war-based coatings have become the main force of coatings due to their more environmentally friendly components. Compared with solvent based coatings, war-based coatings have the advantage of significantly reducing VOC emissions. Compared with solvent based coatings, war-based coatings have advantages such as low environmental pollution, high leveling performance, and good appearance. However, compared to war-based coatings, they have disadvantages such as high construction requirements, good conductivity, and strong corrosiveness. Construction process of war-based paint:
1. Hol furniture solid wood electric dining table, dining table foundation treatment: First, remove dust and grease from the surface of the wood. If there is oil stains on the surface of the wood, the grease can be wiped clean. Afr dust removal, grind the 5 square mer wooden pad with oil sandpaper and large sandpaper. Require smoothness, polishing, and cleanliness.
2. Full scratch transparent putty: The putty should be scraped, clean, and should not be missed.
3. Sandpaper: Afr the putty is dry, polish it with No.1 sandpaper and wipe the cloth clean. Then use the same putty to apply the second layer, and it is required to apply the same putty layer. Afr scraping, apply putty to the nail holes and missing corners. Afr scraping, fully flatn the putty, and then grind the paper flat to make the wood grain clear without breaking the edges and corners. Afr wiping, clean it thoroughly and dry it with a damp cloth.
4. Brushing war-based varnish: When brushing, it should be horizontal and vertical, with uniform thickness, without flowing or falling, and the brush patrn should be smooth without missing the brush. Afr drying, it should be polished with No.1 sandpaper, wiped clean with a damp cloth, and air dried. In the future, the inrval time between each coating in summer is about 6 hours, and the inrval time between spring and autumn is about 24 hours, so there is a longer conditional time.

买电动餐桌用电动机 火锅桌价格酒店电动桌椅的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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