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What knowledge does it take to purchase customized hol furniture- Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
The current mainstream hol furniture market is not customized, but the future trend is towards customization,

Opening up new prospects for our future hol furniture market; What knowledge do you need to know as a new hol furniture purchaser? Board is the main influencing factor: the marials used for customizing hol furniture are important and also the main factor that dominas the value and quality of the entire wardrobe. At present, the customized marials for furniture products mainly include solid wood, multi-layer solid wood, and solid wood particle board. In general, solid wood particle board is a popular consumer product and is also cheap in rms of price. Calculad based on the projecd area, the price per square mer is around 800 yuan. Solid wood panels belong to high-end consumption, and the price will naturally not be low. The final price is mainly dermined by the marial of the tree species. Accessories are auxiliary influencing factors: can you calcula the price of the entire customized hol furniture you want by ad up the panel area? This is not enough. In fact, in addition to sheet metal, hardware accessories formed with customized furniture

Storing accessories is also the main way to increase the price of customized hol furniture; Composition; Element. In fact, this is not a strange thing, just like customizing curtains. The hooks, pendants, tracks and other accessories required for curtains are sometimes more expensive than the price of curtain fabric, and customized hol furniture is also the same. Service is an indispensable factor: currently, in addition to well-known customized hol furniture brands, there are also some brands in the market who are selling" Customization” A business that attracts customers under its banner. Customized hol furniture is gradually being accepd and becoming more popular,
Many; Customization” Service merchants also enr the market, provide products, and earn profits. In rms of price, there is no comparison. On the one hand, small businesses have cheaper marial costs in their storefronts, and on the other hand, there are no additional considerations in their design. The important thing is that they don't have to bear too much in pre-sales and afr-sales service. They only ll you to be responsible for installation, but they don't mention any mainnance in the lar stage. Pre sales and afr-sales service are the 00 colors of a brand store and also a factor in ensuring the price of products sold in the store. Humanized design can only meet your needs: from this perspective, boards, accessories
Service is one of the main factors affecting the price of customized hol furniture. When customizing furniture products such as wardrobes, consumers need to have a clear understan of these aspects of information and not fall into them; Pit; Inside. However, in addition, the major advantage of customizing hol furniture is that it can fully and reasonably utilize effective space, and the design is more humanized. In a word, capricious! Overall customized hol furniture is even more rare as it is no longer just a functional cabinet, but rather an art collection that showcases the owner's tas and mperament. In addition to high-end marials, exquisi craftsmanship, and tailored design, overall furniture customization,
While fully meeting the functionality of furniture, it also endows the product with more artistic and aesthetic value, showcasing the unparalleled mperament and tas to the fullest. What knowledge does it take to purchase customized hol furniture? The above is the customized furniture procurement knowledge brought to us by Foshan Hol Furniture Factory Lanhui, which helps us make the correct evaluation criria for aluminum alloy doors and windows when purchasing hol furniture, and purchase qualified furniture products.