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14人电动圆桌机芯单价 家具餐桌控制器厂家

14人电动圆桌机芯单价	家具餐桌控制器厂家

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14人电动圆桌机芯单价 家具餐桌控制器厂家详细说明

What will be the output value of hol furniture in 2016- Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
In 1978, China's furniture production was 1.08 billion yuan; In 1988, the production of furniture increased to 4.108 billion yuan; In 2007, China's furniture production reached 540 billion yuan; In 2009, this number once again surprised people&# 8217& Flash; Notify us of the total production of 700 billion RMB,
Furniture companies are growing rapidly. However, compared to the 2009 GDP of 33535.3 billion yuan, China's furniture industry is only a drop in the ocean. No wonder the Chinese furniture industry is undervalued, as Lang Xianping has repeadly stad in his speeches:; Your furniture profession is too small to be valued& Rdquo; Is China's furniture industry really small and not worth taking seriously? Current situation: There is currently no company in China's furniture industry that can exceed 1% of the total production. It is difficult for Chinese furniture professionals to present companies with a large proportion of production. The reason lies in:
The threshold for furniture companies is too low and there is a lack of clear entry constraints. Furniture companies are blooming everywhere, and furniture is classified as slow moving consumer goods. Therefore, it is difficult for a single furniture company to achieve outstan results. Currently, hol furniture companies only account for a small proportion of the market,
Therefore, the company's competitiveness and earning ability are relatively low. Moreover, due to the low threshold and easy entry of 00 colors in the furniture industry, companies pay less atntion to the quality of market proportions. Firstly, many companies have not yet established a modern promotion concept cenred around customers; The second reason is that the benefits brought by improving the proportion and quality of the market are uncertain, and the company has doubts about the quality of the proportion and quality of the improving market. To improve market proportion and quality, companies must start with more in-depth and detailed work based on customer satisfaction, which requires a lot of manpower, financial and marial resources, and requires a longer period of time.
Due to its large quantity, high demand, and long duration, as well as the inability to accuraly measure its impact, this type of investment poses significant risks, lea many companies to abandon plans to improve market proportion and quality. By 2015, China's furniture production will reach 2400 billion yuan, surpassing the automotive industry. However, based on the increasing speed of China's furniture industry, some professors predict that by 2015, China's furniture production will reach 2400 billion yuan, surpassing the automotive industry. Can the future of China's furniture industry really be so broad? Can this small profession that is looked down upon by others have a day of success?

买14人电动圆桌机芯单价 家具餐桌控制器厂家的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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