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电动16人直径尺寸定制 旋转实木转盘定制

电动16人直径尺寸定制	旋转实木转盘定制

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电动16人直径尺寸定制 旋转实木转盘定制详细说明

What is the future trend of hotel furniture- Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
What is the future trend of hotel furniture? In the past two or three years, the business of furniture industry has become more and more discussed, with expenses falling short of income. More and more home appliance factories have opened up their stores to waste profits and supply goods to distributors. Many manufacturers are rampant in price wars, such as posters and advertisements such as' bottom prices for high-quality brands', 'unprecedented superiority in shock', '700 for XX furniture over 1500', and '600 brand home appliances for over 1500'. Nevertheless, the furniture exhibition rooms throughout the building are still bustling with customers.

After exchanging hotel furniture with many fellow travelers, the author has compiled an article titled "What is the Future Trend of Hotel Furniture?" based on the materials and shared it with everyone. What will the price war bring? (1) Let's not say for now why such a significant price reduction is difficult to achieve results, nor do some furniture manufacturers have achieved some small results in this price reduction promotion activity. However, the price war is inseparable from the low price strategy. In fact, the harm of price wars is evident to all.
Starting from the 1990s, China's color TV industry began to experience six consecutive 'price wars'. Dozens of brands such as Kaige and Feiyue, which had previously been well-known both inside and outside the industry, seemed to collapse overnight, and thousands of supporting factories also went bankrupt. There is another example of Glanz successfully reducing prices to win development. In 1995, Galanz made a decisive decision to sell its down project and began mass production of microwave ovens at low prices, which brought down more than 30 microwave oven factories, but in the short term, its strength was greatly weakened. From these two examples of price reductions, it is not difficult to see that the losers are indeed miserable, and even those who win are still miserable victories. (2) For the market, 'price war' deviates from the mainstream of market development, neglecting fundamental factors such as technology and innovation, and only grasping the surface factor of price will undoubtedly slow down market development and even cause collapse. And these are also
Ultimately shifting to consumers, it seems that consumers who receive substantial benefits in the short term will suffer greater losses in the future. Chinese consumers, who have been educated to be more rational by the price war, are not paying the bill in this furniture price war, which must also be a major reason. (3) Furniture manufacturers are eager to 'promote at low prices', which is bound to bring fatal harm to the entire furniture industry and market In the 'low price promotion' competition, the direct harm is to bring about a decline in the quality and service level of furniture products, and ultimately suffer not only from furniture manufacturers, but also from furniture consumers and furniture product ambassadors, causing heavy trauma to the entire furniture industry. Therefore, I believe that in order for the furniture industry to achieve orderly and sustainable development, it is necessary to give up the 'price war' and choose the 'value war'. That is to say, we must rely on production technology
产品质量和售后服务,始终坚持对质量不断进行改进,对产品设计进行创新,对功能不断完善,创造出新的价值。以此作为是家具厂商'价值战'的通行证。同时,实施名牌战略,不要什么都类型的家具都生产、什么价位的家具都卖产,而是进行一个相对长远的品牌战略规划,只要家具企业摆正自己的位置,以长远发展为目标,塑造家具企业的核心竞争力,就完全没有必要依靠单纯的价格竞争来抢夺市场。市场应向良性竞争的方向发展,这也是其终走向。有责任的企业家应该为行业的发展负责,始终如一地坚持着品质、服务、发展与科技方向。把行业的发展、市场的繁荣、企业的百年基业看作高于一切。当然,这份责任沉甸甸的,因为它关系着整个家具行业以至于市场的明天。1、 设计创新加速,原创设计受重视。目前为止,国内仍有三分之二的家具企业没有00立
Product quality and after-sales service always adhere to continuous improvement of quality, innovation in product design, continuous improvement of functions, and creation of new value. This serves as a passport for furniture manufacturers to engage in a 'value war'. At the same time, implementing a brand strategy is not to produce all types of furniture and sell furniture at all prices, but to carry out a relatively long-term brand strategy planning. As long as the furniture enterprise positions itself correctly, takes long-term development as the goal, and shapes the core competitiveness of the furniture enterprise, there is no need to rely solely on price competition to seize the market. The market should develop towards benign competition, which is also its ultimate direction. Responsible entrepreneurs should be responsible for the development of the industry,

买电动16人直径尺寸定制 旋转实木转盘定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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