非洲花梨木电动圓桌支架 原木餐桌电机质保六年详细说明
Inrnational Knowledge of Hol Furniture You Don't Know - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
Six major functions: spping out of the inrnationalization path of China's caring industry in the main counties, WE Big 00 Color Zone; In addition, the production and manufacturing base of the enrprise is mainly returned by the Wesrn Daoshi, the product logistics storage and transportation cenr is the Beizaosheng, the auxiliary marial tra and distribution cenr is the Yuzaosheng, the main marial market tra and distribution cenr is the Beizaosheng, and many are the exhibition and retail tra cenrs
The Chengdu Furniture Industrial Park, composed of six functional areas for living and leisure, will be built as another inrnationally influential furniture production and exhibition base, following the high points of Cologne in Germany, Milan in Italy, and the Unid Stas, thereby promoting a new leap in the entire Chinese furniture industry. The Wesrn Furniture Production Base will gather outstan furniture enrprises from the wesrn region to enr the park, forming a carrier for the agglomeration and development of Wesrn furniture enrprises with professional talents, efficient ams, advanced and high-end concepts, and comple supporting services. The base follows the design concept of modern industrial parks and implements unified planning,
Unified design, unified infrastructure, and the creation of a large production and manufacturing zone for Wesrn branded furniture enrprises. The Furniture Exhibition and Sales Tra Cenr is a professional exhibition hall designed for home furniture production enrprises in the park, with a capacity of 00 square mers. It also gathers furniture products from domestic and inrnational furniture manufacturers, inclu civil furniture, hol furniture, children's furniture, campus furniture, and 00 special purpose furniture for functional zoning display and sales. It has built a one-stop inrnational furniture procurement base and an ernal inrnational furniture expo. Warehouse, logistics, storage and transportation cenr, buil an inrnationally advanced electronic logistics information resource management sysm platform,
Improve the information circulation, resource management, storage and transportation settlement, transit and distribution and other functions of modern logistics, and introduce inrnationally advanced third-party logistics enrprises to meet the storage, transportation, transit and distribution needs of goods and marials of furniture manufacturers and merchants in the main and auxiliary marial markets in the park. Build a professional logistics storage and transportation area with scale, strong professionalism, and comple functions.
Three mutual manufacturers are auxiliary marial distribution cenrs, introducing distributors of auxiliary marials for furniture production, inclu leather, fabrics, filling marials, paint coatings, adhesive auxiliary marials, glass products, jewelry and decorative marials, furniture hardware, hardware tools, processing machinery, packaging marials, etc. While meeting the supply of auxiliary marials required by furniture production enrprises in the park,