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电动餐桌机芯尺寸定制 电动旋转餐桌定制

电动餐桌机芯尺寸定制	电动旋转餐桌定制

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电动餐桌机芯尺寸定制 电动旋转餐桌定制详细说明

Hotel Electric Dining Table, "Changing Moods" - Foshan Lanhui Electric Dining Table
酒店电动餐桌以其优雅的体态、艳丽或素净的色彩、温暖的质感和美丽的图案给居室带来明快、轻松和活泼的气氛,也给我们带来恬静、温馨的休闲享受。  身着各式布料的软体电动餐桌,具有良好的触感,又因具有容易清洁维护,以及可随着心情的变化更换布套的优点,受到青年人的青睐,酒店电动餐桌可以是全布,也可以与其他任何电动餐桌材料搭配使用,以获得不同的视觉效果。
The hotel electric dining table, with its elegant posture, bright or plain colors, warm texture, and beautiful patterns, brings a lively, relaxed, and lively atmosphere to the living room, and also brings us a peaceful and warm leisure enjoyment. A soft electric dining table dressed in various fabrics has a good tactile feel, and is favored by young people e to its easy cleaning and maintenance, as well as the ability to change the fabric cover accor to mood changes. Hotel electric dining tables can be made of full fabric or can be paired with any other electric dining table material to achieve different visual effects.
鉴于其多变性,以不同的造型配以各式面料,酒店电动餐桌的风格就可以趋于多元化,如:欧美乡村风格的电动餐桌,常运用碎花或格纹布料,以营造自然、温馨的气息,若与自然、朴实的原木电动餐桌搭配,则乡土气息更为浓郁。  西班牙古典风格电动餐桌,则常以织锦或夹着金葱的缎织布品为主,色彩华丽,充分张扬规则阶级的华贵气质  而以意大利为代表的现代风格电动餐桌,在运用布品时,仍不脱离其简洁大方的设计原则,常以其鲜明或异常冷僻的单色布料来彰显其高贵脱俗的气质。
Given its variability, the style of hotel electric dining tables can be diversified by matching different shapes with various fabrics. For example, electric dining tables in European and American rural styles often use floral or checkered fabrics to create a natural and warm atmosphere. If paired with natural and simple wooden electric dining tables, the local atmosphere is more rich. The Spanish classical style electric dining table is often dominated by brocade or satin woven fabrics with golden onions, with gorgeous colors that fully showcase the luxurious temperament of the regular class. The modern style electric dining table represented by Italy still adheres to its simple and generous design principles when using fabrics, often showcasing its noble and refined temperament with its bright or exceptionally cold monochrome fabrics.
由于电动餐桌功能愈加趋于细分,就呈现了丰富多彩的风格与档次。造型设计也打破了传统的观念,给人耳目一新的感觉  木、钢结构运用于软体电动餐桌的承重部位,为酒店电动餐桌设计营造了更为广阔的空间。
e to the increasingly segmented functions of electric dining tables, they present a variety of styles and grades. The design also breaks traditional concepts and gives a refreshing feeling that wooden and steel structures are used as load-bearing parts for soft electric dining tables, creating a broader space for hotel electric dining table design.
  相同款式的电动餐桌,可以换装,几乎可以随心所欲地满足不同消费者的要求。  酒店电动餐桌在满足功能的同时,可以运用不同的造型,丰富生活情趣。  酒店电动餐桌几乎可以任意选择所需要的颜色,色彩的多样性是酒店电动餐桌的一大点。
The same electric dining table can be paired with two different colors of fabric, light on top and deep on bottom, with a low and stable center of gravity. Electric dining tables of the same style can be changed and can almost meet the requirements of different consumers at will. The electric dining table in the hotel can use different shapes to enrich the taste of life while meeting its functions. The hotel electric dining table can almost choose the desired color, and the diversity of colors is a major feature of the hotel electric dining table.

买电动餐桌机芯尺寸定制 电动旋转餐桌定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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