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长沙电动餐桌现货 酒店桌椅用品采购详细说明

There are various types of wood used for making hol furniture, and the prices vary greatly e to differences in wood properties and proction. Accor to market research, commonly used wood in the market includes pine, rubber, birch, beech, elm, ash, oak, cherry, black walnut, etc. Below, the furniture customization manufacturers of Foshan Lanhui Hol will share the advantages, disadvantages, and uses of 9 common types of hol furniture wood. The specific introction is as follows:
1、松 木  外观和性价比高,广泛的运用为中档实木家具的用材,许多原木家具和儿童家具都采用松木。  优点:色泽天然,天然本色,纹理清楚美观;造型朴实大方、线条饱满流畅,尽现良好加质感;实用性强、经久耐用;弹性和透气性强,导热性能好且保养简单。  缺点:木质软,易开裂变形,还易析出油脂。  2、桐 木  生长快,分布广,应用在日常生活用品方面,尤其作为高档家具的辅材,在国内是抽屉、床板和后背板的主要用材。
1. Pine wood has the highest appearance and cost-effectiveness, and is widely used as a marial for mid range solid wood furniture. Many log furniture and children's furniture use pine wood. Advantages: Natural color, natural color, clear and beautiful xture; The design is simple and elegant, with full and smooth lines, showcasing a good xture; Strong practicality and rability; Strong elasticity and breathability, good thermal conctivity, and simple mainnance. Disadvantages: Wood is soft, prone to cracking and deformation, and also prone to oil precipitation. 2. Tung wood grows quickly and is widely distribud, and is used in daily necessities, especially as an auxiliary marial for high-end furniture. It is the main marial for drawers, bed boards, and backboards in China.
优点:耐湿隔潮耐磨损;不曲不翘不变形;纹理美观色泽鲜艳;易雕刻染色。  缺点:质轻较软,无厚重感。
  3、桦 木  速生材,突出点是它的纹理,如今用于结构、镶花木细工和内部框架的制作。  优点:易加工,抗用,切面光滑;油漆,胶合性能好;纹理直且明显,结构细腻,柔和光滑。  缺点:纤维抗剪力差,容易齐茬断,干燥时易开裂翘曲,不耐磨。  4、橡胶木  生产橡胶乳的树种,生长周期短,来源广泛,制作的家具性价比高。与橡木一字之差,但是外观、性能、价格较大,档次较低。
Advantages: Resistance to moisture, moisture, and wear; No ben, no warping, no deformation; Beautiful xture and bright color; Easy to carve and dye. Disadvantages: Lightweight and soft, with no sense of heaviness. 3. The most prominent feature of birch fast-growing wood is its xture, which is now used in the proction of structures, inlaid wood craftsmanship, and inrnal frames. Advantages: Easy to process, resistant to use, smooth cut surface; Paint with good bon performance; The xture is straight and obvious, the structure is delica, soft and smooth. Disadvantages: Fibers have poor shear resistance, are prone to even stubble breakage, and are prone to cracking and warping when dry, making them less wear-resistant. 4. Rubber wood is a tree species used to proce rubber milk, with a short growth cycle and a wide range of sources. The furniture proced is highly cost-effective. There is a word difference with oak, but the appearance, performance, and price are relatively large, and the grade is relatively low.
优点:韧性好,不容易开裂,保养容易;质地均匀、纹理优美;易雕刻染色;耐磨性较好,经久耐用。  缺点:不容易干燥,容易弯曲变形,有异味,含糖分多,易变色、腐朽和虫蛀。  5、橡 木  主要产自欧洲及北美,分为白橡和红橡,红橡不红,白橡不白,不能靠颜色区分。家具用材,较多采用红橡,白橡价格较贵。我国的柞木与橡木质地相近,由于径短小,没有橡木理想;另外,市场上普遍以橡胶木代替橡木。  优点:坚实,韧性好,加工造型美观;木纹鲜明,质感良好;不易吸水,耐腐蚀。  缺点:加工难度大。  6、水曲柳  国内属于三级珍惜濒危保护植物,装饰性能好,如水曲柳一般美丽,制作的家具自然、现代,近几年装修普遍使用水曲柳。
Advantages: Good toughness, less prone to cracking, easy mainnance; Uniform xture and beautiful xture; Easy to carve and dye; Good wear resistance and rability. Disadvantages: It is not easy to dry, easily bent and deformed, has a peculiar smell, contains a lot of sugar, and is prone to discoloration, decay, and insect infestation. 5. Oak is mainly proced in Europe and North America, divided into whi oak and red oak. Red oak is not red, while whi oak is not whi, and cannot be distinguished by color. Furniture marials are mostly made of red oak, while whi oak is more expensive. The xture of oak and oak in our country is similar, but e to their short diamer, there is no ideal oak; In addition, rubber wood is widely used in the market insad of oak. Advantages: Solid, good toughness, and beautiful processing shape; Clear wood grain and good xture; Not easy to absorb war and resistant to corrosion. Disadvantage: Difficulty in processing. 6. Fraxinus mandshurica is a third class rare and endangered plant in China, with good decorative performance, as beautiful as Fraxinus mandshurica. The furniture made is natural and modern, and in recent years, Fraxinus mandshurica has been widely used for decoration.
优点:平直,坚韧,有弹性;纹理清晰美观,还有很好看的光泽,可仿珍贵木种;耐腐,耐潮,老化慢。  缺点:收缩变形大,不适合全实木,有色差,干燥时易翘裂。  7、榆 木  北方常见树种,适合大众消费,高性价比的家具用材,别适用于传统中式家具。  优点:质地坚韧,有弹性,经久耐用,适合雕刻;近似“鸡翅木”花纹,纹理美丽;木纹粗犷、清晰,适合烫蜡和木蜡油涂装,环保。
Advantages: straight, tough, and elastic; The xture is clear and beautiful, with a beautiful lusr that can imita precious wood species; Resistant to corrosion, moisture, and slow aging. Disadvantages: Large shrinkage deformation, not suitable for all solid wood, with color difference, and easy to warp and crack when dry. 7. Yumu, a common tree species in the north, is suitable for mass consumption and is a cost-effective furniture marial, especially suitable for traditional Chinese furniture. Advantages: Tough xture, elasticity, rability, suitable for carving; Similar to the "chicken wing wood" patrn, the xture is beautiful; The wood grain is rough and clear, suitable for hot wax and wood wax oil coating, environmentally friendly.
缺点:心边材区分明显,有色差,老榆木和国产榆木容易生虫。  8、榉 木  同北方的榆木有“南榉北榆”之称,由于过度砍伐,目前已被列为国家二级重点保护植物,禁止采伐。因此目前市场上所售榉木家具原料大多为进口。适合制作大件家具。  优点:木重,比普通硬木坚硬;纹理直,清晰,质地均匀,色彩柔和,有光泽;蒸汽下易弯曲,可作为曲木使用。
Disadvantages: There is a clear distinction between heartwood and sapwood, with color differences. Old and domestic elms are prone to insect infestation. 8. Beech wood and elm in the north are known as "South Beech and North Elm". e to excessive logging, it has been lisd as a national second level key procd plant and logging is prohibid. Therefore, most of the raw marials for beech furniture sold on the market are impord. Suitable for making large-sized furniture. Advantages: Wood is heavy and harder than ordinary hardwood; The xture is straight, clear, uniform in xture, soft in color, and glossy; It is easy to bend under sam and can be used as a curved wood.
缺点:有色差,干燥时容易出现裂纹和变形。  9、黑胡桃  生长到成材需要经过50年价值高的品种之一,制作的家具艺术表现力强,属于家具中的贵族,实木家,具具有保值功能。黑胡桃通常用做木皮,少用实木。  优点:含水率低,适合对结构和强度要高的制作;材色优雅,木纹精致迷人,油漆和染色保持持久;不易吸水,耐腐蚀,不易变形。  缺点:价格昂贵,韧性差,抗压抗弯一般,需精心防护。
Disadvantages: Color difference, easy to crack and deform when dry. 9. Black walnut is one of the most valuable varieties that takes 50 years to grow and become mature. The furniture it proces has strong artistic expression and belongs to the nobility and solid wood family of furniture, with the function of preserving value. Black walnuts are usually used as wood bark, and rarely solid wood. Advantages: Low moisture connt, suitable for proction with high structure and strength; Elegant wood color, exquisi and charming wood grain, and long-lasting paint and dyeing; Not easy to absorb war, resistant to corrosion, and not easily deformed. Disadvantages: expensive, poor toughness, average compression and ben resistance, requiring careful proction.

买长沙电动餐桌现货 酒店桌椅用品采购的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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