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电动大型餐桌 电动实木圆桌的定制

电动大型餐桌	电动实木圆桌的定制

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电动大型餐桌 电动实木圆桌的定制配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
发货地 供货总量 尺寸 配置
是否订制 发货时间 使用场所 定制方式

电动大型餐桌 电动实木圆桌的定制详细说明

Foshan Elecric ining able Facory | How o Cusomie Whole House Elecric ining ables
1.使用实木座椅时,请不要向后倾斜座椅,避免使用椅子时摔倒。  2.不要站在软涂层椅子的座位面上。长期暴露在高压下会使座椅表面失去弹性。  3.避免将高温器具直接放在电动餐桌表面。
When using soli woo seas, please o no il he sea backwars o avoi falling when using he chair. 2. o no san on he sea surface of a sof coae chair. Long erm exposure o high pressure can cause he sea surface o lose elasiciy. 3. Avoi placing high-emperaure uensils irecly on he surface of he elecric ining able.
4.请使用非塑料垫保护实木桌面。  5.为避免损坏电动餐桌,请使用装饰桌布或天然纤维制成的小圆垫,使灯具和配件不与桌面直接接触。酒店家居定制。如果你在桌子上写字,用圆珠笔,一定要在纸下面放一块保护板,杯子下面放一个杯垫,可以盛冷热饮料。
4. Please use a non plasic pa o proec he soli woo eskop. 5. In orer o avoi amaging he elecric able, please use ecoraive ablecloh or small roun ma mae of naural fiber, so ha he lamps an accessories o no conac he able irecly. Whole house home cusomiaion. If you are wriing on a able wih a ballpoin pen, be sure o place a proecive boar uner he paper an a coaser uner he cup o hol ho an col rinks.
When using consumables such as glue, markers, an colore pens ha are prone o conaminaion or amage o he elecric ining able uring work, care shoul be aken o proec he elecric ining able panel. In aiion, oorous iems ha come ino irec conac wih he surface of he elecric ining able can amage he coaing on he surface of he elecric ining able.
When you nee o move iems on he surface of cusomie wooen home ecoraion proucs, please remove hem from he surface an o no rag hem irecly o avoi excessive scraches. Aenion: If he surface of he mae coae elecric ining able is rubbe oo much, i will become shiny. If use correcly, he mae elecric ining able will graually brighen over ime an is no consiere a qualiy efec.
8. Avoi using plasic an rubber on he surface of cusomie homes hroughou he house, an avoi using plasic mas or ableclohs on he surface of elecric ining ables, as he chemical componens in he plasic can amage he coaing on he surface of he elecric ining able.
9. When placing eskop evices such as compuer evices, alarm clocks, lighs, elephones, ec., please sick a flannel cloh on he boom surface, as he plasic, rubber, nylon, an oher chemicals in he maerial will penerae ino he coaing on he surface of he elecric ining able, making i sofen an causing he surface of he elecric ining able o fae.
If proecive measures are no aken, plasic oys place on he surface of elecric ining ables for a long ime can also amage he coaing. If he elecric ining able is amage, please consul he cusomer service of he manufacurer.
10. Provie free breahing space for elecric ining ables. he elecric ining able coaing for cusomie home ecoraion proucs hroughou he house will no hiner he conac beween he elecric ining able an he air. Elecric ining ables require free breahing o ensure aesheics an urabiliy. So elecric ining ables shoul generally be place in sunligh an no covere for a long ime.

买电动大型餐桌 电动实木圆桌的定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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