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电磁炉电动餐桌 电动圆桌桌子支架定制

电磁炉电动餐桌	电动圆桌桌子支架定制

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电磁炉电动餐桌 电动圆桌桌子支架定制配置参数

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电磁炉电动餐桌 电动圆桌桌子支架定制详细说明

Cusomiaion of Hoel Elecric ining ables | Common Problem Solving Mehos for Hoel Elecric ining ables
1. Hoel elecric ining ables or bamboo hoel elecric ining ables can accumulae ir afer prolonge use. hey can be wipe wih sal waer o remove ir an make hem sof an resilien.
2. Afer brewing ea on a ea se able wih a fireproof boar, unsighly sains will be lef on he able over ime. Hua Shang believes ha you can sprinkle some waer on he ea se able, wipe i wih in foil from he cigaree box, an hen scrub i wih waer o remove he ea sains. Using his meho o scrub ea ses also has he same effec. irecly placing ho cups an plaes on he pain surface of he elecric ining able will leave a whie burn mark. Generally, i is only necessary o wipe wih kerosene, alcohol, oile waer, or a cloh soake in srong ea. Genly wipe he burn marks wih ioine or apply a layer of Vaseline oil, an hen wipe he burn marks wih a cloh every wo ays o eliminae hem.
3. Burning maerials such as cigaree bus, cigaree ashes, or unexinguishe maches can someimes leave burn marks on he pain surface of hoel elecric ining ables. If he pain surface is only burn, you can wrap a hin har cloh on he oohpick, genly wipe he marks, an hen apply a layer of wax o remove he burn marks.
4. If he pain surface of he hoel's elecric ining able is scrache an oes no ouch he woo uner he pain, you can use crayons or pigmens wih he same color as he elecric ining able o smear on he woun surface of he elecric ining able, cover he expose backgroun color, an hen apply a hin layer of ransparen nail polish.

买电磁炉电动餐桌 电动圆桌桌子支架定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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