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酒店餐桌椅尺寸规格 电动餐桌转盘箱体

酒店餐桌椅尺寸规格	电动餐桌转盘箱体

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咨询酒店餐桌椅尺寸规格 电动餐桌转盘箱体订购热线

酒店餐桌椅尺寸规格 电动餐桌转盘箱体配置参数

品 牌 形状 风格 颜色
材质 功率 电源 工艺
发货地 供货总量 尺寸 配置
是否订制 发货时间 使用场所 定制方式

酒店餐桌椅尺寸规格 电动餐桌转盘箱体详细说明

Inroucion o he process of cusomiing elecric ining ables
Cusomiaion of elecric ining ables can be esigne base on he uni ype an he living habis of he owner, which is clearly one of is avanages. herefore, elecric ining able cusomiaion is becoming increasingly popular among he public. Before cusomiing elecric ining ables, owners also nee o have a cerain unersaning of elecric ining able cusomiaion.
1、签订电动餐桌订购单  在确定电动餐桌定制厂家之后,就可以签订一个订单,并预交一定的订金。注意要妥善保存定金单,待签订合同后返还到电动餐桌合同款内。
1. Afer confirming he manufacurer of he cusomie elecric ining able, you can sign an orer an pay a cerain eposi in avance. Please keep he eposi form properly an reurn i o he elecric ining able conrac paymen afer signing he conrac.
2、次现场测量  签订订单后,就可以要求电动餐桌设计师上门次测量。初次测量应该在水电改造之前,水电工、工长好都在场,要结合厨房的水电布局,综合考虑,是否需要对水电管道进行改装等。并告知道设计师自己需要的厨房电器与打算放置的位置。此次测量后,设计师根据厨房空间设计出整体电动餐桌的雏形以及厨房的水电改造图纸。水电施工工人根据图纸施工。
2. Afer signing he orer for on-sie measuremen, he elecric ining able esigner can be require o conuc on-sie measuremen. he iniial measuremen shoul be conuce before he waer an elecriciy renovaion, wih boh he elecrician an he foreman presen. I shoul be combine wih he waer an elecriciy layou of he kichen o comprehensively consier wheher i is necessary o moify he waer an elecriciy pipelines. An inform he esigner of he kichen appliances hey nee an heir inene placemen. Afer his measuremen, he esigner esigne he prooype of he overall elecric ining able an he waer an elecriciy renovaion rawings of he kichen base on he kichen space. Waer an elecriciy consrucion workers consruc accoring o he rawings.
3、第二次现场测量  二次测量的时间一般都在水电改造、墙地砖施工完成之后。这次测量,数据一定要精确,厨房电器位置与尺寸也要确定下来。设计师需要根据测量结果,给出电动餐桌定制的终精确设计图
3. he secon on-sie measuremen usually akes place afer he compleion of waer an elecriciy renovaion an wall an floor ile consrucion. For his measuremen, he aa mus be accurae, an he locaion an sie of kichen appliances mus also be eermine. he esigner nees o provie a final an accurae esign iagram for he cusomie elecric ining able base on he measuremen resuls
4、核对电动餐桌定制设计图纸  第二次测量过后一般三天内就可以看到电动餐桌定制设计图,收到图纸的时候,除了看效果图以外,更需要仔细看清楚CA图,上面的标示的尺寸要核对清楚,如果一旦出错,后期设计的电动餐桌肯定不合适,不但安装起来麻烦,而且达不到定制的效果了。
4. Afer checking he cusomie esign rawings of he elecric ining able for he secon measuremen, he cusomie esign rawings of he elecric ining able can generally be seen wihin hree ays. When receiving he rawings, in aiion o looking a he renerings, i is also necessary o carefully rea he CA rawings. he imensions inicae on he rawings shoul be checke clearly. If here is an error, he laer esigne elecric ining able will efiniely no be suiable. No only is i ifficul o insall, bu i also canno achieve he cusomie effec.
5、签订合同付首款  设计方案确定之后,需要与设计师提前约好时间到店面签订一份详细的供货合同,并预付款。合同里有关于产品总价,支付方式,交付安装,验收,售后等各种规定,另外合同也会附有《核价清单》与《设计图纸》两份文件。合同事关重大,签订的时候需要仔细确认每一个条款。
5. Afer signing he conrac an confirming he esign plan for he firs insallmen, i is necessary o make an appoinmen wih he esigner in avance o sign a eaile supply conrac a he sore an make a prepaymen. he conrac inclues various regulaions regaring he oal price of he prouc, paymen meho, elivery an insallaion, accepance, afer-sales service, ec. In aiion, he conrac will also be accompanie by wo ocumens: "Price Evaluaion Lis" an "esign rawings". he conrac is of grea imporance, an each clause nees o be carefully confirme when signing.
6、送货安装  电动餐桌的送货和安装一般都是免费的,厂家工作人员会在送货之前依据合同约定的时间,提前与客户预约时间送货安装。
6. elivery an insallaion of elecric ining ables are generally free of charge. he manufacurer's saff will make an appoinmen wih he cusomer for elivery an insallaion in avance accoring o he agree ime in he conrac before elivery.
7、验收检查  电动餐桌工作人员安装完毕,业主对整套电动餐桌进行全面检查,验收合格付清余款。  电动餐桌定制流程一般就分为以上7个步骤,其中确定电动餐桌定制厂家是非常重要的,其次,是选择电动餐桌材料和电动餐桌的尺寸,这也都是至关重要的,关于电动餐桌定制合同里面的条款需要业主认真仔细的查看,切勿马虎大意,如果后期出现问题,毕竟合同是维护业主权益的一种有效证据。
7. Accepance inspecion: Afer he insallaion of he elecric ining able by he saff, he owner conuce a comprehensive inspecion of he enire se of elecric ining ables, an he remaining paymen was mae afer passing he accepance inspecion. he process of cusomiing an elecric ining able is generally ivie ino he above 7 seps, among which eermining he manufacurer of he elecric ining able cusomiaion is very imporan. Seconly, selecing he maerials an imensions of he elecric ining able is also crucial. he erms of he elecric ining able cusomiaion conrac nee o be carefully reviewe by he owner, an o no be careless. If problems arise in he laer sage, afer all, he conrac is a vali evience o proec he owner's righs an ineress.

买酒店餐桌椅尺寸规格 电动餐桌转盘箱体的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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