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新中式18人电动餐桌定制 电动餐桌箱体定制

新中式18人电动餐桌定制	电动餐桌箱体定制

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新中式18人电动餐桌定制 电动餐桌箱体定制配置参数

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新中式18人电动餐桌定制 电动餐桌箱体定制详细说明

How can he cusomiaion of he enire elecric ining able in he house increase he space?
1: Sliing oor elecric ining able: he small beroom can cusomie a sliing oor elecric ining able because he sliing oor elecric ining able opens an closes he elecric ining able oor by sliing. When picking up or soring clohes, sliing he elecric ining able oor will no occupy he inoor space, so i grealy reuces he inoor space occupaion.
2: Embee elecric ining able: he enire house elecric ining able is cusomie an inegrae ino he wall, which no only frees up inoor space bu also increases he usage area. If i is a square beroom, i can be esigne as a U-shape cabine ha fully fis he wall surface. he eep an elongae beroom feaures a cusomie parallel arrangemen of he enire elecric ining able, which can also reserve approximaely 1 square meer of changing space. When he eph of a wie an long room is no very sufficien, an L-shape cabine esign is preferre. his no only mees he sorage requiremens of he enire elecric ining able cusomiaion, bu also visually looks very beauiful.
3: Cabine elecric ining able: Generally, he cusomie heigh of he overall elecric ining able in he whole house is no very high, resuling in a large secion of space beween he elecric ining able an he ceiling being wase, an i is easy o accumulae us. For small unis, you can choose a cusomie elecric ining able ha reaches irecly o he ceiling an can be use o sore seasonal clohing or blankes. Fully uilie every square meer of inoor space.
4: Reasonable ivision of he inernal srucure of he elecric ining able: Before cusomiing he enire elecric ining able in he house, cusomie he elecric ining able accoring o your acual nees an lifesyle habis, unersan wha sorage funcions you wan, an mos people feel ha heir elecric ining able canno hol oo many hings. Reasonable ivision of he inernal space of he elecric ining able can accommoae more iems. Soring all he iems on he elecric ining able, of course, also makes our inoor space larger.

买新中式18人电动餐桌定制 电动餐桌箱体定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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