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回转电动餐桌机芯定制 实木大圆桌支架尺寸详细说明

What marial is good for sofas- Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
The sofa can be considered the second bed in the family, sitting cross legged, lying sideways, lying prone, or sitting sideways can be anything,
If the sofa is not properly selecd, it can affect one's comfort level. But fabric sofas are prone to wrinkles, and leather sofas require regular mainnance. So, what marial should I buy for a sofa? Which marial of sofa can meet our needs? Let me take you and the salesperson Xiao Su from Quanyou Furniture in our city to understand the issues that need to be paid atntion to when purchasing and maintaining sofas made of various marials. Advantages of leather sofas: Leather sofas are relatively more xtured and upscale. It has functions such as breathability and good softness, making it very comfortable for people to sit and not easy to get dirty. Disadvantages: The price is relatively high. Due to the evaporation and loss of inrnal oil afr using the leather sofa for a period of time, the xture becomes hard. Excessive dryness or humidity can accelera the aging of the leather, requiring special mainnance and care. Large size, suitable for placement in spacious living rooms.
布艺沙发优点:舒适休闲、样式多、色彩丰富、价格适中、可以拆洗。缺点:表层面料容易脏,不易打理,虽然都可以拆下来清洗,但颜色会发生变化,普遍洗过几次之后就会显得老旧。质量差的容易产生变形等问题。舒适指数:★★★★★价格指数:★★适合装修风格:田园风格 现代风格 古典风格布艺沙发保养:每周至少吸尘一次,注意去除死角的积尘。如果垫子可以翻转使用,应该隔段时间翻转一次,使磨损部位均匀分布。要经常将垫子拿到户外拍打,疏松内部纤维,保持沙发的弹性。如果沾有污渍,应该用干净抹布蘸水擦,
Advantages of fabric sofa: comfortable and casual, with multiple styles, rich colors, modera price, and can be disassembled and washed. Disadvantages: The surface fabric is easy to get dirty and difficult to handle. Although it can be removed for cleaning, the color will change and it will generally appear old afr several washes. Poor quality is prone to deformation and other issues. Comfort index: ★★★★★★ Price index: ★★ Suitable for decoration style: Pastoral style, modern style, classical style, fabric sofa mainnance: Vacuum at least once a week, and pay atntion to removing dust accumulation in dead corners. If the cushion can be flipped over for use, it should be flipped over at inrvals to evenly distribu the worn parts. Always take the cushion outdoors and pat it to loosen the inrnal fibers and maintain the elasticity of the sofa. If there are stains, they should be wiped with a clean cloth dipped in war,
为了防止留下印迹,好从污渍外围从外向内擦。丝绒家具不可沾水,应使用干洗剂。所有布套及衬套都要以干洗的方式清洗,不可水洗,以防止变形。如果发现有线头脱落的现象,不要用手扯断,用剪刀整齐将其剪平即可。舒适指数:★★★★价格指数:★★★★适合装修风格:现代风格 古典风格皮艺沙发保养:皮革吸收力强,因此要00别注意油污油渍,好春、秋季节里用皮革柔软剂打理。平常擦拭沙发时忌大力搓擦,以免损伤表皮。每周一次用干净毛巾蘸水拧干后对沙发轻拭。若皮革上有污渍,用干净湿海绵蘸洗涤剂擦拭,或者用布蘸适当浓度的肥皂水洗擦,然后让其自然晾干。发现有洞孔、破烂、烧损现象,要请专业人士来清理。真皮沙发应放置在通风干燥处,不宜用水擦拭或洗涤,
To prevent imprinting, it is advisable to wipe from the outside to the inside from the periphery of the stain. Velvet furniture should not be soaked in war and should use dry cleaning agents. All fabric sleeves and bushings should be cleaned dry and not washed with war to prevent deformation. If any thread ends are found to have fallen off, do not use your hands to break them. Use scissors to neatly cut them flat. Comfort index: ★★★★★ Price index: ★★★★ Suitable for decoration style: Modern style, classical style, leather art sofa mainnance: Leather has strong absorption, so do not pay atntion to oil stains. Use leather sofner to treat good spring and autumn festivals. When wiping the sofa, avoid vigorously rubbing to avoid damaging the skin. Once a week, soak a clean towel in war and wring it dry before gently wiping the sofa. If there are stains on the leather, wipe it with a clean wet sponge dipped in dergent, or wash it with a cloth dipped in soap war of appropria concentration, and then let it dry naturally. If any holes, debris, or burning are found, a professional should be invid to clean them up. Leather sofas should be placed in a well ventilad and dry place, and should not be wiped or washed with war,
避免潮湿、生霉和虫蛀。木质沙发优点:天然环保,古朴典雅,经久耐用。缺点:木头含水量大,放在潮湿的地方,容易发生变形。另外,也不能靠近暖气,还有取暖器周围。总体来说受环境影响较大,也舒适度差。舒适指数:★★价格指数:★★★适合装修风格:古典风格 中式风格木质沙发保养:木质沙发忌潮湿、阳光照射。用湿布擦拭后应立即再用干布擦拭。由于各种家具表面油漆处理方式不同,应该注意使用不同保养方法,上蜡为不错的保养方法。清洁木质沙发可用中性肥皂丝泡温水混合后擦拭,再用清水干布擦干净,也可以使用木质家具保养油,会起到一些保护作用。
Avoid dampness, mold, and insect infestation. Advantages of wooden sofas: natural and environmentally friendly, simple and elegant, and durable. Disadvantages: Wood has a high moisture connt and is prone to deformation when placed in damp places. Additionally, it is not allowed to be near the heating sysm or around the hear. Overall, it is greatly affecd by the environment and has poor comfort. Comfort index: ★★ Price index: ★★★ Suitable for decoration style: Classical style Chinese style wooden sofa mainnance: wooden sofa should not be damp or exposed to sunlight. Afr wiping with a damp cloth, it should be immedialy wiped with a dry cloth. Due to the different paint treatment methods for various furniture surfaces, atntion should be paid to using different mainnance methods, and waxing is a good mainnance method. To clean a wooden sofa, you can mix it with neutral soap and warm war, then wipe it clean with clean war and a dry cloth. You can also use wooden furniture mainnance oil, which can provide some proction.

买回转电动餐桌机芯定制 实木大圆桌支架尺寸的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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