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多功能火锅桌旋转餐桌单价 实木餐桌椅单价

多功能火锅桌旋转餐桌单价	实木餐桌椅单价

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多功能火锅桌旋转餐桌单价 实木餐桌椅单价详细说明

What are the requirements for furniture placement in the living room of hols and guesthouses- Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
Furniture placement, whether in ancient or modern science, has a certain emphasis on feng shui placement; Modern people place a comfortable and healthy patrn based on scientific evidence; So what are the standards for furniture placement in today's living room?
Foshan Lanhui Furniture Door Industry Co., Ltd. focuses on hol furniture product business, creating exquisi and comfortable furniture products; It is a famous hol furniture manufacturer in Foshan area. Pay atntion to the placement of living room furniture:
1. The bed should be raised above the ground. The designer stad that the bed surface should be about 50 centimers above the ground, and the bed bottom must be kept clean and should not accumula debris. Leaving the ground and not accumulating debris can keep the air under the bed unobstrucd, reduce the infiltration of ground moisture into the mattress, and affect health.
2. That is, the mirror and floor to ceiling doors and windows should not be aligned with the bed
3. Bedhead should not be close to the window. People who sleep on the bed may lack a sense of security due to the inability to see the window above their head, causing mental nsion and affecting their health. At the same time, the bedside also taboos not leaning against the wall. Because it is not easy for people to see their heads when lying flat, the bed head should be against the wall to avoid exposure and reduce their sense of security. Otherwise, people who sleep in bed are prone to confusion and affect their health.
4. It is not advisable to have too many plants in the bedroom. It is repord that too many flowers and plants can easily accumula yin qi, and plants absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide at night, which can easily affect human health.
5. Living room furniture should not block windows and air vents. Foshan Lanhui Furniture and Door Industry Co., Ltd. specializes in the research and development, production, and sales of Foshan hol furniture, hardcover luxury homes, clubs, hols, and hol furniture. It is a professional Foshan hol furniture in the southwest region

买多功能火锅桌旋转餐桌单价 实木餐桌椅单价的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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