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新中式实木电动餐桌定制市场 电动自动餐桌3米详细说明

酒店风水知识 卧室床头柜风水有讲究-佛山岚慧家具有限公司
Knowledge of Hol Feng Shui, Bedroom, Bedside Table, Feng Shui, Special Considerations - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
对于家具的摆放与空间设计的问题大家很容易想到要调整卧室床的摆放位置和方向,但却很少有人会去关注卧室床头柜风水。  床头柜风水要点1:床头柜的摆放要成双  据风水大师介绍,在卧室中摆放床头柜一定要在床的两边各摆放一个。
It is easy to think of adjusting the placement and direction of the bedroom bed when it comes to furniture placement and spatial design, but few people pay atntion to the feng shui of the bedroom bedside table& Emsp& Emsp; Bedside table feng shui key point 1: The arrangement of the bedside table should be in pairs&emsp& Emsp; Accor to feng shui masrs, when placing a bedside table in the bedroom, it is necessary to place one on each side of the bed.
这两个小小的床头柜,在风水上的威力还是很大的。这种布局不仅能使夫妻的感情美满,还能够在事业财运上给主人加倍力量。  床头柜风水要点
&Emsp& Emsp; These two small bedside tables have great power in feng shui. This layout not only makes the relationship between the couple happy, but also doubles the strength of the host in rms of career and financial fortune& Emsp& Emsp; Key points of bedside table feng shui
2:床头柜的高度宜高过床 床头柜风水学对床头柜的高度也有要求,一般卧室摆放的床头柜高度要高过床,风水学上认为这种摆放不仅有利于增进睡眠者的智慧,还能够有效的提高睡眠质量。  床头柜风水要点3:床头柜宜有抽屉 床头柜好带有抽屉,而且要在柜上各摆放一个小台灯,这样不仅能够催财、聚财,还可以让主人得到贵人扶助。  床上枕头的摆放也应注意,正确摆放应是男左女右。    床头柜风水要点
2: The height of the bedside table should be higher than the bed  Feng Shui also requires the height of a bedside table. Generally, the height of a bedside table placed in a bedroom should be higher than the bed. Feng Shui believes that this arrangement is not only beneficial for enhancing the inlligence of sleepers, but also effectively improving sleep quality& Emsp& Emsp; Bedside table feng shui key point 3: Bedside table should have drawers  The bedside table should have drawers, and a small table lamp should be placed on each table. This not only promos and gathers wealth, but also allows the owner to receive assistance from a noble person& Emsp& Emsp; Atntion should also be paid to the placement of pillows on the bed, and the correct placement should be male, left, and female, right. Key points of bedside table feng shui
4:床头柜上不宜摆放盆栽  在床头柜上摆放盆栽植物也不符合床头柜风水,因为植物早上会释放出大量的二氧化碳,而盆栽里的肥料,也很容易滋生虫子、细菌等,不利于人体健康。  床头柜风水要点5:床头柜的两侧要避免冲射  摆放床头柜时,床头柜的两侧应尽量避免接触柜角或厨角、书桌、化妆台冲射,不仅容易导致人患偏头痛,
4: Potd plants should not be placed on the bedside table&emsp& Emsp; Placing potd plants on the bedside table is not in line with the feng shui of the bedside table, as plants release a large amount of carbon dioxide in the morning, and the fertilizer in the potd plants can easily breed insects, bacria, etc., which is not conducive to human health& Emsp& Emsp; Key points for bedside table feng shui: Avoid shooting on both sides of the bedside table&emsp& Emsp; When placing the bedside table, both sides of the bedside table should try to avoid contact with the cabinet corner or kitchen corner, the desk, and the dressing table, as it is not only easy to cause migraines, but also easy to lead to the division of marital relationships. Plants with long poind leaves
方形或长方形的家具也不能靠近床头柜。  床头柜风水要点6:风格要与卧室装修风格一致  床头柜的风格要与房间的整体风格相协调,比如,如果卧室的装修风格是中式的,就尽量不要摆放西式的床头柜。  看来卧室的床头柜的的风水讲究还蛮多的。希望能够给大家带来一些参考价值。
Square or rectangular furniture should not be near the bedside table& Emsp& Emsp; Bedside table feng shui key point 6: The style should be consisnt with the bedroom decoration style&emsp& Emsp; The style of the bedside table should be coordinad with the overall style of the room. For example, if the decoration style of the bedroom is Chinese, try not to place a Wesrn style bedside table& Emsp& Emsp; It seems that the feng shui on the bedside table in the bedroom is qui exquisi. I hope it can bring some reference value to everyone.

买新中式实木电动餐桌定制市场 电动自动餐桌3米的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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