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实木电动餐桌2米叁仟一套 全自动餐桌实木架定制详细说明

What is high-end hol furniture - Foshan Lanhui Furniture Co., Ltd
What is high-end hol furniture? It is difficult to have a standard of 00 pairs for what high-end hol furniture is. However, the furniture of high-end hols should more or less meet the following conditions: natural marials. Wood, especially wood, has always been the main marial for cloud production from ancient times to the present, and has always been loved and cherished by people.
The walnut wood era, walnut wood era, and mahogany era on hol furniture all reflect a period of hol furniture 00 points based on the main marials used. In today's world where natural resources are increasingly scarce, environmental awareness is becoming increasingly strong, and people's aesthetic awareness is full of nostalgia, natural marials are even more favored by people.
In rms of the grade of hol furniture, hol furniture made of solid wood, if its shape and craftsmanship are good, is of course considered high-end· For example, pine hol furniture, although wood is not precious, pine hol furniture made from large wood is qui popular in the inrnational market. Like rubber wood hol furniture,
过去橡胶木作柴火都无人问津,今天用橡胶木加下的木沙发,有时却贵于真皮沙发。  采用珍贵稀有材料装饰。就木酒店家具而言,采用珍贵木材加工的实木酒店家具是固然贵重,而在热带雨林日益减少的今天,木材的薄木贴而酒店家具也身份倍增,进入了高档酒店家具的行列。如用花梨、核桃木、桃心木、红影木、白影木、样木、椽木等珍贵薄木贴而的酒店家具,
In the past, no one cared about rubber wood and firewood. Today, wooden sofas made of rubber wood are sometimes more expensive than genuine leather sofas. Decorad with precious and rare marials. As far as wood hol furniture is concerned, it is certainly valuable to use solid wood hol furniture processed with precious wood processing. Today, with the tropical rainforest decreasing, the thin wood stickers of wood and hol furniture have doubled their identity and enred the ranks of high-end hol furniture. Hol furniture made from precious thin wood veneers such as rosewood, walnut wood, mahogany, red shadow wood, whi shadow wood, sample wood, rafr wood, etc,
不管其基材是什么人造板,如果工艺精美、涂饰高雅,也就身价倍增。  因为这类薄木均为进口,其市场价格均在数百元一平方米,而且货源不充裕,因此用珍贵薄木贴面也是鲤遭茎进上档次的途径之一·  精雕细作,即做工精细。凡高档酒店家具都必须是精工制作,粗制滥造的产品必不属高档之列。  精雕细作的仿古酒店家具,00别是珍贵木材手工雕刻的家具,其身价高;用机械雕刻装饰的家具,做工精细的,
No matr what kind of artificial board its substra is, if the craftsmanship is exquisi and the decoration is elegant, it will double its value. Because this kind of veneer is impord, its market price is hundreds of yuan per square mer, and the supply of goods is not sufficient, so the use of precious veneer veneer is also one of the ways for carp to get up to grade by suffering sm· Exquisi carving and meticulous craftsmanship means exquisi workmanship. All high-end hol furniture must be meticulously crafd, and rough and shoddy products must not be included in the high-end cagory. Exquisily carved antique hol furniture, especially handmade furniture made of precious wood, has a high value; Furniture decorad with mechanical carving, finely crafd,
也属高档酒店家具·即使是没有雕刻装饰的实木家具,也要求做精细,如门而线脚、边部处理都必须做到无可挑剔,要充分表现材质美、结构美,都要通过精细的工艺来实现,因此做工精细也是高档家具的必备条件之一。  有典型的个性风格。高档酒店家县的另一个条件是风格个性、艺术鲜明。仿古酒店家具必须体现出所仿历史时期的艺术00点,
Also classified as high-end hol furniture· Even solid wood furniture without carved decorations requires exquisi craftsmanship, such as impeccable door mol and edge treatment. To fully demonstra the beauty of marial and structure, fine craftsmanship is also a necessary condition for high-end furniture. Has a typical personality style. Another requirement for high-end hols is their unique style and distinctive art. Antique hol furniture must reflect the artistic elements of the historical period being imitad,
Chinese Ming style hol furniture· French Louis XV of France style hol furniture. Modern furniture must also have an easily recognizable style and personality, such as Italian hol furniture, Nordic solid wood hol furniture, etc; Traditional style, ethnic color, regional color, and conmporary style can all be called personalities, and hol furniture without individuality is difficult to upgrade to a higher level.

买实木电动餐桌2米叁仟一套 全自动餐桌实木架定制的联系方式

联 系 人:邱生;
电 话:13925433337;
微 信:13925433337;
Q Q:305040938;
座 机:0757-63360531;
公司地址: 广东佛山市西樵镇大同七星工业区



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